You Are My Anchor

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''Will you do me a favour Ranvijay'' I asked leaning my head on to his chest , he hummed nodding ''Make Deepak pay back each and every penny he took from you'' I was angry, he lied to me about the reason for breaking the wedding . For being a coward, I am not an object, I wasn't his when he decided to put a price on me. If he thought I would just cry hearing this he is wrong. I will make him pay . The man who gave him the price will make him pay, because Ranvijay will do everything for his Anu.

''Shall we have dinner '' He asked and I nodded, we had dinner pulling each others leg; ''Goodnight '' He whispered softly caressing my face; ''Its saturday tomorrow, we can talk for some more time'' I really wanted to spend more time with him. I wanted to know the man whose madness once destroyed my peace and now he looked like someone who cared for me the most .

''We can, but I will have to go for work tomorrow . I promise to be home early'' He said cupping my face. I felt my mood dipping, I was so looking forward to spend time with him. Ranvijay walked back to his study after leaving me in my room. Throwing my back on the bed I thought about last few days. A smiled covered my lips as the memory of kiss came back, my fingers touched my lips and I felt my eyes drooping taking in the same feeling again. My breathing paced and jumped off the bed, pulling the door open I moved out on to the porch. The breeze felt beautiful so did the night, I couldn't understand but I felt happy . Laughing I hugged myself before walking back into my room.

I woke up to quite early feeling fresh and energetic , few sounds drew my attention and I decided to check. In the main hall, I found him doing push-ups. He would first do few counts on both hands and then on one wrapping the other one behind his back, he looked strong and I hate to admit very attractive "good morning Princess'' quickly moving my eyes away, I pretended as if I wasn't ogling at him; ''Good morning! Why are up so early. Wait a minute did you sleep? '' I am well aware of his habit now, many a times when I would wake up for water , lights of his room and study would be on. Only time he slept was.. As the realization dawned, I felt heat creeping into my body. ''Freshen up, we have to join everyone for breakfast'' He said cutting my question off. Nodding I ran back to get ready. I picked the orange dress, last time when I wore this one , he couldn't take his eyes off me. Happily i made my hair and lined my eyes with khol , walking out I stood in the hall , waiting for his compliments . He came out ready for work; ''let's go''. My lips drooped when didn't give me a single glance, stomping once I left the room annoyed Males are idiots , I certify this now.

. ''Ananya!!!'' Deepika hugged me tight as I entered the dinning hall, she was glowing, leaning close I teased her ''Looks like your holiday went quite eventful'' She blushed; ''I missed you''

''This is why you didn't call'' I complained making a sad face, she pinched my waist; ''Stop teasing me'' . We started after granny joined us; ''Adi will be coming for few days'' Veer broke the silence of the table

''Make arrangements , he will be staying with us in main palace'' Granny commanded and Veer nodded. Out of all it was just me and Deepika who were clueless about this guest Adi. ''I am done'' Raksha left the table abruptly and I noticed Veer glaring at her leaving form. Ranvijay left after breakfast. I was super mad, he still didn't look at me even once. Today I will teach him lesson about appreciating his wife. I decided to spend my day with Raksha.

''How could you Raksha? Your stupidity would have costed me my marriage. Why did you lie to deepika '' My steps halted in the main hall of Rakhsa's suit hearing Veer's angry voice from her study.

''Really??? What I said was true and Deepika deserves to know it . Marriages are based on trust'' Raksha shot back rudely. ''Who gave you the right to decide about our truth . You made a story out of fragments . When will you grow up Raksha?'' Veer sounded angry

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