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AN: Warning mentions of self harm/depression

Prince's POV:

We never found Anxiety during the grand tour so we all split up searching the entire mind space for him. After hours of searching we decided to meet in the screening room to try and figure out where he might be. I'm very worried, where could he possibly be, 'Wait why am I so worried, I don't even like Anxiety, right? Of course I don't like him, he's the one that always hurts Thomas, and I don't like anybody who hurts Thomas especially him.'

Thomas's POV:

When we got to the screening room I saw a boy around sixteen, he walked up to me and spoke in a deep menacing voice.

"You better watch out..."

I tensed thinking he was gonna hit me, but then he continued in a friendlier tone

"For me when you wanna talk, because I'll always listen to you!"

He giggled before exclaiming


He then threw up the friendship bracelets that appeared in his hand. I looked at him confused and asked

"Who are you?"

He beams at me and replies

"I'm Misleading Compliment, but everyone calls me Missie!"

I nod my head before remembering why we're here in the first place.

"Hey Missie have you seen Anxiety?"

He vigorously nods his head

"Yeah this morning he was headed in the direction of the portals!"

Before I could ask anything else he left, I was very confused, 'Portals?' I turned to ask the others what Missie was talking about, but they were already speedily heading in the direction of the hallway. I ran after them and it seems that their destination was at the very end of the hallway past all of the bedrooms. When we got there I saw five portals, 'But where do they led?'

"Why are there portals in my mind space?"

Logic's POV:

I decided I should answer Thomas's question since the other two wouldn't know how to explain them to Thomas.

"These portals allow us to go to five other mind spaces."

He looks shocked and confused

"I thought all of you were bound to me."

I decide to go into further detail,

"Everyone in the world has their own mind space, each mind space creates it's own set of main and sub personalities. For example your mind space created four main personalities and three sub personalities. Although we were specifically created for you, it is our responsibility to influence five other people besides you. Whether or not they actually listen to our suggestions is up to each individual, but this is the task given to every personality in the entire world."

Thomas gives me a surprised look, but that surprise quickly turned into curiosity.

"Who are the other five?"

I should have known that after all of that, that's what he wants to know.

"Jack(septiceye), Mark(iplier), Leo (the giant), Valerie, and Jon (Cozart)."

Thomas's POV:

"So Anxiety went through one of these portals to influence someone else?"

Logic turns to me and says

"That or they had more negative emotions than you at the time."

Princey walks over to us and he has that look on his face

"There's only one way to find out..., we must go on a quest through the portals!"

For once Princey is right

"Lead the way."

With that we went through the portals one by one searching for Anxiety, but we didn't find him in the first four mind spaces. The only one left is... Jon's, but we could never have expected what we saw on the other side. The entire mind space was warped and the personalities of Jon's mind space were being attacked. When our minds finally caught up with what was happening, we heard someone scream.

Anxiety's POV: (Time Skip: Earlier That Day)

Thomas was so stressed that I couldn't sleep, it was currently 4am, I decided if I can't sleep then I might as well get a snack. On my way to the kitchen I remember that Thomas forgot to set his alarm, 'Maybe I should wake him up so he can set it.' I'm about to do just that when I sense strong negative emotions coming from the direction of the portals. I decide to go check it out and I pass Missie on my way there. Once I get there I realize it's coming from Jon's mind space, but that's not surprising since he's been going through depression for the past couple months. Thomas has tried to help, he even got Jon to do a video, but the video was a little depressing in itself. I believe it was called... "After Ever After", Princey was very upset after having watched the video, he even locked himself in his room for a couple of days.

Anyways as soon as I'm in Jon's mind space I see Depression in the screening room, all of the personalities hated her except for me, she's the only one that's actually been nice to me, she's the only friend I have. Whenever Princey or the others would say that they wished that I never had existed she would always comfort me. Remembering all the times Princey has said something like that to me makes me feel upset, 'but why I don't care about the Prince or anything he says.' I push those thoughts out of my head and greet Depression,

"Hey Depression."

She smiles at me and greets me as well,

"Hey Anxiety."

I look at the screen to see Jon cutting himself with a razor on his wrist,

"I see he's doing it again."

Depression nods

"This is the second time today."

I felt bad for him and I wish I could do something, but I'd only make it worse. If only I had known how right I was then I might have been able to prevent what happened, maybe Jon and the others wouldn't have suffered if I had just listened to Prince and stopped screwing everything up. He was right... I make everything worse, maybe it would have been better if I had never existed.

Two chapters in one day, man I am on a roll. I'm sorry for making this chapter a sad one, but I needed it be sad in order to progress the story. On another note I just checked,and we are at 78 views, I can't believe that many people actually read this story. Thank you guys so much for the views and the votes.

And until next time take it easy guys, gals, and non binary pals. Peace Out!

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