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This prompt request was made by my sensei Prplzorua, enjoy!

Thomas's POV:

It took several hours, but we finally calmed Anxiety down from his panic attack and convinced him to let us give Prince a proper funeral so we could all say goodbye. We all agreed to have the funeral service in Jon's mind space, we invited everyone from our mind spaces. The personalities from my mind space and the personalities from Jon's mind space came to attend the funeral. Morality hasn't made a dad joke, smiled, or called me kiddo since the... incident. Logic has been trying to comfort Morality, but it's obvious that the incident has upset him as well. Everyone is upset that we lost Princey, myself included, but out of all of us, Anxiety is taking it the hardest. He hasn't spoken since we convinced him to have a funeral for Princey, the only other time he spoke was when we asked him why he was wearing all white, for once, to the funeral. According to him if he wore black like he normally does "it wouldn't be respectful."

We decided to have an open casket funeral, everyone here is crying and talking about what a great person he was, or how much he'll be missed. Well everyone but Anxiety. After his panic attack that lasted for several hours and crying the entire time, now he might just feel empty. I can't believe this happened and right after they finally got together! Anxiety was actually happy! He actually smiled! Why did that have to be taken away from him...?

Anxiety's POV:

None of this feels real... There's no way he's actually go-... I can't even say it let alone think it without feeling like I'm going to start panicking or crying again. I was panicking and crying for several hours. I think the others were trying to calm down, and after I was able to calm down, they convinced me to give Princey a funeral. I knew that's what Princey would've wanted so I immediately agreed, but I stayed by Princey's side while the others set up the funeral. The only time I left his side was when I left to change into some white clothing, but other than that I remained by his side. Why did this have to happen to Princey? Why did Depression do that to my Princey? I thought she wanted me to be happy. Was there something I could've done differently? Was there some way I could've saved him? I hate feeling so useless. I feel like there's gotta be something I could've done. I keep asking myself why, but I know why... It's because even though my Prince Charming finally rescued me, he died, because I'm the villain. And everybody knows the villain never gets a happy ending. While I was standing there Thomas came up to me.

"The funeral is about to start."

I nodded my head at Thomas and I followed him to our seats. Once we sat down the funeral began, people were taking turns talking about what a great person Prince was, but I didn't hear a word they said. All I could think about was Princey, and how it's all my fault he's gone. Once everyone was done speaking we all went up to the open casket and placed a flower in it. I was the last person to go up there, I put a small white rose on his chest, and gave him a farewell kiss. That's how he told me he'd like to go when we had a debate over consent with Snow White.

Suddenly everything started glowing and I had to shield my eyes because of how bright it was. When I could finally look at Prince again, I couldn't believe my eyes. Prince opened his eyes and he was looking right at me! I didn't want to get my hopes up, but this felt like a dream come true! I reached out my hand to touch him to make sure this was real and not a dream.


As soon as I put my hand on his chest, he put put his hand on top of mine. I whispered to myself,

"You're alive..."

After a few seconds I got over my shock,

"You're alive!"

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