Meet and... Greet?

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I can't sleep. I've tried, believe me,
I have. But thoughts of what is going to happen in the morning keep me awake.

Reed is going to be here. Jackson is here already. Will i have a mate by this time tomorrow?

Better yet, who will be my mate?

My fingers idly stroke over the locket. It surprises me that i don't feel anything from it.

You would think that an all powerful locket would give off some sort of power feel.

I wonder if i could have rejected the locket? Just looked at the mysterious lady and said No thank you. Would i still have this problem?

I don't know at what point i feel asleep, but a rapid knocking woke me.

"Aspen, Reed well be here in about half an hour." Jenna poked her head and speaks softly.

I feel like i didn't move at all last night as i climb out of bed and  look at my best friend.

I sigh dejectedly and nod slowly in understanding,  watching as she closes the door slowly.

I decide a shower would be best and carefully strip out of my clothes while the waters warms up.

I step in,  breathing a sigh when the warm water beats against my skin. The one place I can truly think.

I try to fight my thoughts of Reed and Jackson as I wash my hair, but like a moth to a flame, i can't escape them.

You know,  maybe having them together is a good thing. Rose pipes in.

How so?

Think about, apart the pull is too both of them. Maybe when they are together we can feel a stronger pull to one?

I think about what she says. Could one pull be stronger than another?

If so, do I have a preference to who i want to be my mate.

I grab a towel and wrap it tightly around myself after my shower and stare at my reflection in the mirror.

More specifically I stare at the locket. Is this locket a curse or a blessing.

Alpha Kennedy is here. My father says through the link.

My heart instantly starts pounding at the thought of him here. So much could happen.

I dress quickly in a pair of skinny jeans and a black tank top. I slide on some simple black flats. I tie my hair into a messy bun and call it good.

I'm not even going to bother with makeup. For some reason, I seem to be crying a lot lately, and I don't want to ruin my face with make up smears and streaks.

Ok. I can do this. I take a deep breath and open my bedroom door.

I am the daughter of an Alpha. I walk down the stairs.

I was chosen to have this locket and it's supposed powers. I open the front door and see my parents standing with some guards, Ian,  Jenna, Jackson and Uncle Jack.

I avoid Jackson's gaze and walk straight to my dad's side. He kisses me softly on the side of my head.

Suddenly, his scent hits my nose and Rose yips happily before seeming to remember why we are here.

Suddenly, a few Wolves step out of the trees and I quickly drop my gaze to collect my nerves again.

I wonder why they chose to travel here on foot?

"Alpha Kennedy, Welcome to my pack. And thank you for coming so quickly." my father says extending his hand out to Reed.

Reed is careful to avoid my gaze when i finally look up.  I almost gasp out loud at his appearance.

Dark circles surround his eyes. His once honey filled gaze, seems now dull and tired as they briefly connect with mine. Has he not slept?

"Thank you. Let me introduce my beta, Gage Thompson." Gage bows respectively to my father before he turns to me.

"Pleasure to see you again, Aspen." he reaches out for a hand shake but I give him a quick hug.

I don't know why, but having Gage here makes me feel better, even though he was an ass when we met.

A growl sounds from behind me before I am pulled behind someone's back.

"Do not touch my mate." Jackson growls out. 

Another growl sounds from in front and I look around Jackson to see the commotion.

"She is my mate! you stupid mutt!" Reed is about to lunge at Jackson but both my pack wolves and his step between them.

Ian is quick to pull me from Jackson while he is distracted and stands defensively in front of me and Jenna.

"Then why did she come back to me?!" Jackson taunts, while Uncle Jack holds him back.

"Why did she leave you in the first place?"Red counters while Gage tried to calm him down.

Both Jackson and Reed stare at each other and I notice Reed's eyes start to darken. Dash is trying to come out.

"I am an Alpha, pup. She is my rightful Luna. And you, are what,  a pack wolf with no title?" Reed's voice is low as he sneers at Jackson.

"I am Red Moon's Beta's brother!" he shoots gaining a step before Uncle Jack pulls him back again.

"Are you challenging me?!" Reed shouted, but I knew it wasn't Reed but Dash.

I looked at Jackson and saw a hint of fear in his blue eyes. I mean it's expected, he did just attempt to challenge an alpha. Reed just looked pissed.

"ENOUGH!" my father shouted.

Everyone turned to face him except Reed. His whole body was shaking and I knew he was close to shifting. I could also tell that he was trying to contain dash as best he could because his eyes kept swirling with black.

Is it weird that I found it extremely hot?

"Now everyone inside my office where we will discuss this matter." my father says calmly.

Jenna wraps an arm around me,  but before she can pull me along I turn once more to Reed still fighting with control.

"Dash?" I call softly.

Immediately, his dark eyes snap to mine,  his face softening a little as he sees me watching him.

"I missed you, Beautiful."

Rose purrs in happiness and I have to admit I love hearing him call me Beautiful too.

"I need Reed to stay in control for now. I don't want a fight here. Please." I beg looking straight into his eyes.

His black eyes begin to turn brown before I am met once again with the honey-eyed gaze I'm accustomed to.

"Anything for you, beautiful," Reed answers,  before walking with Gage towards the house.

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