The Locket

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"Good Morning," Reed mumbles into my hair, pulling my body to closer his.

Last night was amazing but this, waking up to him, is even more so. His arms, tight around my body, his hands rubbing gently against my skin igniting a trail of fire in their wake.

His heart beats in my ear and I swear I have never heard a more beautiful melody. It's like it's calling to my soul, begging me to beat along with his pace.

I snuggle more into his body, not really wanting to confront the morning because if it's morning, we have to leave the bed.

Truthfully though, I am more than ready to go home. I miss my family and Jenna. There is so much that I want to tell them, so much I want to gossip with Jenna about.

Not to mention, now that I'm mated, my parents can finally retire as Alpha. They can finally take that vacation they've been talking about since I first shifted.

Reed and I will be great Alpha's -

My body freezes as I realize something I have overlooked since he marked me. How could I have missed the obvious? Granted there was a lot going on, but this is almost common sense! How naive could I be?

I'm the next Alpha of Moonstone pack.

Reed is the Alpha of Shadow Wolves.

There is no combining the two packs because they're over twelve hours apart. We can't ask people to leave their homes and relocate just because of us. The answer is as plain as the nose of my face and I hate everything about it.

One of us has to give up the title of our families pack.

"Come back to me," Reed's warm breath fans over my ear and I suppress the shudder that wants to run through my body.

I hadn't even realized that he moved our positions and that I was below him now. His toned body rests gently against mine, with most of his weight being supported by his hands. I can feel our bodies molding into each other like puzzle pieces.

His honey gaze seeks out my eyes and I can feel the unasked questions lingering between us. His eyes hold mine and it's like he knew that I just realized something he already has known.

Of course, he already knew, he probably figured it out the minute he knew I was an Alpha's daughter.

But if he knew, why didn't he bring it up? Is he waiting for me to announce that I will give up my pack for his? That's not going to happen. Why should I have to give up my pack? Why can't Reed give up Shadow Wolves?

Anger floods through me and I press my hands against his chest, ignoring the way the firm muscle feels under my fingertips. Reed understands what I want and rolls off of me with a confused look, and I take the chance to stand up, grabbing the fluffy robe from the floor.

"I'm taking a shower," I say curtly, moving towards the bathroom.

I know it's irrational to be this angry, but I can't stop it. We haven't talked about this at all. I never asked if he would give up his pack for me, nor the other way around. Who knows, we might even be able to find some way to compromise if we talked about it.

But I don't want to talk. The anger is taking over my body and fueling the fire that's raging inside of me.

Reed is in front of me in the blink of an eye, having done a ninja roll off the bed. He stands there, bare as the day he was born, all tanned skin and rippling muscle. His arms outstretch to stop me in my tracks and it's all I can focus on to keep my eyes from roaming.

"What just happened?" he says slowly, his voiced laced with confusion as his eyes flit between the bed and me.

I roll my eyes and try to move around him. Every step I take to move around him is mirrored by him trying to stop me. I heave a heavy sigh, looking at him in annoyance.

Why can't he see that I'm mad? That I just want to get into the hot shower and clear my mind!?

"I'm just going to take a shower," I raise my eyebrows, daring him to say something.

When he doesn't respond, I roll my eyes and move to step around him. He doesn't mirror my steps and I would almost feel successful if he didn't reach out and grab my waist, pulling my back firmly against his chest.

I can feel every inch of him pressed against the robe as his head dips into my neck.

"Why won't you tell me what's wrong? I know something is," he whispers, pressing a soft kiss to the skin behind my earlobe.

My mind feels fuzzy as I try to remember what it was I was angry about. It had all come on so quickly and left just as fast because all I can focus on is Reed's lips leaving a trail of kisses along my neck.

I can feel the temperature in the room rising like a someone lit a fire in the corner and we are standing to close to the flames. My head leans back, the heat spreading across my skin, but it's like I'm the only one that notices.

I can still sense that Reed is pressed against me. Still, I sense that his hands are on my hips and his lips pressed against my neck, but I can't feel him. How does he not notice that it's like one hundred degrees suddenly?

Something is wrong. I try to move away from Reed or ask him to stop because it's hot, but nothing happens.

My chest begins to burn, the metal from the locket searing my skin once again. A scream bubbles from my throat, passing from my lips before I can stop it.

"Aspen? Wha-" Reed turns me to face him.

I can see the panic on his face even through my watery eyes. the locket has heated up before, but never this bad. It feels as if a white-hot branding iron is being pressed against my sternum.

"That fucking locket!" Reed reaches for it, but as soon as his fingers brush the metal, he is thrust roughly across the room.

I scream again in pain as my back arches and my chest lifts towards the roof. Tears of frustration pour down my face mixing with the sweat beading on my skin.

I try to focus on Reed as he fights some invisible force holding him against the wall, but my vision begins to blur.

"Aspen s-" I can see his mouth moving but it's like thick glass separates us.

His eyes darken and claws extend, no doubt Dash is trying to surface, but it's no use. Another explosion of fire explodes within me and I close my eyes trying not to scream again.

"I'm sorry for the pain. It will pass soon," my eyes snap open at the familiar musical voice.

It's like deja vu staring at the woman who gave me the locket in the first place. Her black hair still falls in soft waves down her back, clashing with the all-white outfit she's wearing.

"It's your wolf, that's causing the pain by the way. She's changing, that's why you we're so mad. It was a loss of control, " the woman takes a step closer and her hand gently wipes some of my tears away.

I can't seem to form a coherent sentence with all the thoughts racing through my head. All that leaves my mouth are small whimpers as my eyes search for Reed. He was just here, where did he go?

The woman smiles softly and it's like she can read my thoughts as a knowing glint enters her eyes.

"Reed is fine, it's almost over," her hand moves to the locket and for a minute, her eyes go far off. It's like she's remembering something, but as quick as it comes it leaves.

"My power is yours now," The woman leans forward and presses a gentle kiss to my forehead, "Thank you, Aspen."

With one last explosion of fire, the woman disappears. I collapse to the floor on my hands and knees. Reed's frantic voice calls out to me, and I can hear his feet moving towards me, but I focus on something else.

The locket clattering to the floor next to me.

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