All the danger

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I stared at him in obvious disgust. This man was insane and did he just call me a slut? Who does this guy think he is?!

"Excuse me?"

"Oh you heard me, love. Who. Marked. You?" He growled the last part out as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"Santa Claus" I replied sarcastically "Who do you think?"

I heard the slap before I felt it. My head snapped to the side with so much force that for a second I thought I had whip lash.

"This is not a game. Which one of those two mongrels marked what's mine?!" his eyes darkened and I felt fear creep through me.

How did he know that two wolves were trying to claim me? Has he been following me?A cold dread washes over me as he hovers above me.

"How did you know?" my voice was a whisper as I turn to stare at him in horror.

Harley smirked as his eyes dropped to my neck. My body tensed as his hand reached out and his fingers grazed over the necklace.

"First time I saw this I couldn't believe my eyes. It looks exactly as my father had described it to me, as his father described to him. You see my great grandfather was mated to the last she wolf who was given that necklace." His eyes shone as he continued to stare at the necklace.

My mind was reeling with everything that he said. I was a little freaked out with the idea of him following me. But what truly frightened me, is the thought of what he has planned.

I could feel the tears form in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I tried the mindlink, but it was like no one was there. Even Rose wasn't responding still.

Another wave of unease rushed through my body and I fought to not let it show. Harley raised an eyebrow and a smirk crossed his face.

"Adam!" He shouted causing me to jump slightly.

The man that kidnapped me opened the door and bowed slightly to Harley. I could spot the girl not far behind him with fresh bruises on her body.

"Kill them both."

"What?!" I fight against the restraints, but I am not strong enough to break the binds. I can feel it rubbing painfully against the raw skin of my wrists, but I don't stop trying.

"It's the only way for us to be together, as was always intended. Unfortunately, you had to whore around. These are the consequences for not waiting for me." He shrugged as if it was no big deal, walking calmly to an empty chair.

How can anyone act like ordering two men to their deaths is no big deal? There he sits as if I he just spoke of the weather as I sit across from him feeling my world tilt on it's axis. I can't be the reason that he would be so cruel.

"Why would I wait for you?" I try to force as much venom into my voice as I can.

"Because I was chosen to wield this power with you!" I jump as he rises from his chair so fast, it goes clattering loudly across the room.

"If that were you true, you'd be my mate."

"A small error on the Moon Goddess' part, that I intend to correct." He nods his head at Adam.

Adam nods back and leaves the room, pulling the girl by her upper arm with him. My mind is reeling trying to think of any way out of this. But none come to mind. I am trapped and a crazy man is on his way to kill Reed and Jackson.

I by no means am ready to forgive Jackson for what he has done, but does he deserve to die? My punishment for him was going to be banishment from my pack. Tears stream down my cheeks more as I continue to fight the restraints holding me. I need to get a hold of him! They need to prepare, I can't lose my mate now. I just got him!

Please Rose, I need to warn him! Where are you? Silence. It's like I am talking to a brick wall.

"Please don't kill them." my voice is small and weak, as I look up at him with tears swimming in my eyes.

"It's the only way to get the fucking mark off your shoulder!"

"Bite over it!" I yell back, a wave of nausea washing over me at the very thought. But I somehow manage to swallow it down.

I have to save them, anyway I can.

"Problem is little mate, if that is the mark of your true mate, you'll die. If you die, the necklace goes back to the Goddess." He traces his finger along the chain, knowing he can't take it off.

I shiver at his touch. It feels disgusting and all wrong along my neck. I try to pull away from his touch but I can't go very far.

"But if he dies, especially considering you never mated, the mark disappears and we can be together as it was intended." He walks out the door, leaving me alone with my heartache.

A hysterical sob takes over my body and I do nothing to stop it. How is this stupid locket a gift? It should be considered a curse! Ever since I got it, nothing but bad things have been happening.

Except Reed.

There is no doubt that he is my mate. Whatever illusion I had been under has been lifted and all I can see is his honey eyed gaze looking at me with so much love. He is the best thing to have happened to me since I got the locket.

And now I stand to lose him as well. Anger begins to flood my body, I can feel the warmth of it pumping through my veins. Each breath moves more and more until I feel like I am going to combust. I can not lose him.

I will not lose him!

I send all my strength to my arms, willing the restraints to break. I grit my teeth at the pain, but continue to try.

"That won't work." A fragile voice says from the doorway causing me to snap my head to glare at her.

"I will keep trying until it does. I will not have it end this way." I spit through clenched teeth.

The red head girl walks carefully towards me, pulling something out of her back pocket. I watch her carefully as she comes around behind me and suddenly the restraints loosen and fall to the ground.

I rub my wrists, wincing at the tenderness. I look to the red head girl again, weary of her motives. She holds out the object in her hands pointing it towards me. A silver knife with a bronze handle. My eyes widen, why does she have a silver knife?

"Kill me" Her voice so broken as she tries to hand me the knife.

My eyes rake over her body, taking in all the bruises and cuts that mark her body. What must she had endured here? My heart breaks for her and I can't stand the idea of them hurting her more when they realize I'm gone.

I take the knife from her hands, turning it over and over in my palm. Time is ticking down, I am sure. I can't afford to waste anymore, I need to decide what I am going to do. Do I put her out of her misery or leave her to face these monsters on her own?

I toss the knife to the side of the room, causing a cry to pass her lips. Tears pour down her cheeks as she realizes that I am not going to kill her. I can see every ounce of hope draining from her eyes as more tears fall.

"Escape with me. Help me save my mate."

<3 <3 <3 <3

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