Son of a Bitch

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"No! Absolutely not!" Reed growls, slamming his fist on the table.

As if his angry yelling isn't enough, he has to give us visible proof of that anger. Even the veins in his arms are trying to show themselves.

Is it weird that I find them really kind of hot?

My hands wrap around his arm. His warm skin and the electricity that flows between us, instantly calming him enough to sit back back. His heat has been wearing off quicker than normal, but I can still smell it on him. It's intoxicating and distracting as I try to focus on the task at hand.

I move to retract my hand from him now that he is relaxed, but he won't let me. Instead his fingers stretch and intertwine with mine before he rests them in my lap.

"Reed, she's my daughter. I don't like it anymore than you, but we can't find any other leads." my dad stares at the small space between Reed and I with narrowed eyes.

Although he is understanding about mates, he is still a little weary about Reed and I. He says it's because of the necklace and warnings of false mates, but I think deep down it's because I'm his daughter.

As soon as we told them the story of Harley's camp and what had happened, they were pissed.

Wore than pissed actually. Reed and my dad were like Pompeii, ready to destroy anything and everything in their paths.

"I think Aspen will be okay. After all, we will be right behind her." Asher sips on his water as if he hadn't just spoken.

He had actually been relatively quiet through out this whole discussion. His eyes analyzing everything as he thinks carefully. It's admirable really, that he doesn't act too quickly. He listens and finds a solution.

"We?" My dad and Reed share a similar look of surprise before glancing at Asher.

"Yes, We. They ended up on my land which tells me that this guy is close to my pack. Therefore this is a problem that involves my pack. So We will be right behind her unless we decide on an alternate method." Asher has a point.

Obviously Harley is nearby, how close I don't know but it's too close for comfort.

However we don't have any other viable options. Jaclyn and I are the closest thing to knowing which way we came. Actually it's mostly Jaclyn, but I will not her go back there alone.

She should have a say though. We don't have a lot of options, but I will not allow her to go back in there if she doesn't want to.

"Jaclyn?" My voice is soft as my hand reaches for the girl sitting next to me.

Her red hair hangs in front of her face, as if it were a curtain that can shield her from her surroundings.

Slowly, she looks up at me with wide scared eyes. My hand reaches out without thought and strokes her hair gently as to not scare her.

She is safe here, they won't hurt her anymore and I need her to know that.

"We won't force you to go, you have a choice." uncertainty flickers in her eyes and my heart aches at the sight.

I wonder if she had been told similar words that were lies or if she is just truly that terrified of Harley.

"He needs to be stopped." Thank goddess for advanced hearing, because I don't think anyone would have heard her without it.

Jaclyn is so much stronger than she knows and I admire her for it. I don't know how long I would have survived if I had been in her shoes. And yet here she stands, ready to help take him down because she knows it's the right thing to do.

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