Chapter 1

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"I love you very much Eros , please don't divorce me. I really love you very much. I can't live without you.please Eros don't do this to me."

Elizay cried,begged to her husband to not leave her. They were celebrating their 10 the wedding anniversary . She thought atleast today he might notice her. He told he had a surprise she was happy thinking that he might want to give their marriage a chance.
But instead of giving their marriage a chance he asked her to sign divorce papers. After 10 years of being a faithful wife, loving him unconditionally she got divorce papers as her reward.

Reason ....Because she is not classy enough for him to take to parties, she is not pretty , she looks like a cartoon piece standing next to her handsome husband. She is not elegant , sophisticated enough to be paraded as THE EROS ADRIAN DELUCA'S WIFE. Was it her fault that her father never really bothered about her. Was it her fault that no one really asked her what she wanted. Everyone came made their decisions and forced them on her. She accepted it without any further questions. What was her fault she wanted to know.

"Well every girl says the same dialogue everyday . Bullshit crap that they can't live without me. Everyone wants to be in my life. But till date I have not let any women to rule my life or even bothered to look at them . I never had time anyway. Don't think that I will give you any alimony cause I made u sign those prenuptial agreement. So don't even bother to blackmail me. Elizay you are a disgusting piece of shit. I was forced to marry you . Do you really think that I would even look at you. We'll look at yourself in the mirror who would want to see that stupid face of yours. You don't have enough qualification. You are just a highschool graduate. Do you think you can match my standards? I am a respected person and everyone in this world recognise me. I don't want my name to be insulted just because you r my wife. Have u seen how many magazines , TV channels criticize your fashion , your dressing sense, most importantly YOU . They fucking laugh at me because of you. I have had enough of you. Please pack your luggage , sign these papers and get the fuck out of my life"

Shouted her husband angrily at Elizay . He was fed up of being made fun of because of his wife. He wanted to get rid of her. Not that he actually cared about the people. He himself did not want her anymore in her life. He was forced to marry her by his selfish family. She like every gold digger bagged the opportunity to trap him and became his wife. He had enough of these stupid women . He had once gotten his broken . He dint want to go again on that dangerous path and destroy himself again. He knew these women could never be trusted. They only wanted one thing money, status. They just dint care about anyone.

He had learnt a lesson from his very own mother which scarred him forever. He had promised himself that he would never become like his father or mother. His mother was very selfish did many crimes and at last broke his and his father's heart , crushed it under her foot and went away. His father had become a living corpse . His father was just breathing . The great Marcus Deluca who was once a shipping magnate and a great billionaire was reduced to nothing. Just because of his very own selfish mother. She just dint torment his father by breaking his heart. She also pulled her son Eros with her and seperated him from his father which further caused damage to Marcus's heart and he died of heart attack.

At a very young age of 5 Eros had seen things which he should not have. He was not allowed to see his father ' s deadbody. That father who had loved him with everything. His father was a great human being. Marcus did not just increase his wealth he had even founded charitable foundation and donated some part of his money for needy people. Eros wanted to be just like his father. He had considered him as a role model. Even now Eros considers his father as a role model . But just not in his love life. He dint want the same fate as his dad .

Marcus Deluca had become bankrupted due to one fraud contract which was brought by his selfish wife. He had trustred his wife to such an extent that he would blindly sign any document given to him by her. Marcus loved her with everything he had and she just threw away everything for money. This made Eros swear at his father's grave that he would never trust anyone blindly and would never love any women or even have any relationship with any women.

At a very young age he was forced to do horrible things. His mother's new lover was a sadist who tortured Eros everyday. He would cut Eros skin with blade , put burnt ciggrattes on Eros's body . He would rape his mother in front of Eros's eyes. Eros was forced to do certain sexual activities which made him disgusted with himself . At last when he couldn't bear he ran . But after many years his mother had found him and forced him to come with her again. His mother had left her Sadistic boyfriend by then and joined hands with a new rich person. It was then he was forced to marry

Elizay to get out of his step father's so called family business since his step father dint have any children to run them. He absolutely hated Elizay simply because she was his mother's choice which meant she was also gold digger just like his mother .

He was a little surprised when Elizay also left everything and came behind him. But nonetheless he would not make a fool of himself and trust any women. He hated Elizay with the same passion as he hated his mother. After all she was very happy to get married to him despite of his direct refusal to marry her . He had told her not to marry him. But she just dint care about anyone. She just wanted to be rich. He had endured her presence for 10 long years. Now he could not just bear her any longer. He wanted out of that stupid marriage which did not have any meaning. He hadn't even touched her. He was sure she would have had enough lovers. Even though he hated her he remained celibate . Not because to honour his vows or something. Just that he was scarred for life he could not bear to have any sexual relationship with any women.

He was always surprised by his wife's acting skills. She would act so innocent in front him that he had actually believed her to be innocent. But he knew not to trust his mother's choices. He had learnt about it enough in his life . Everyday new gold digging whores would come front of his office building and would scream that they loved him and would die without him. Ofcourse he wasn't stupid enough to believe then . But hearing the same words from his wife just made his temper rise. He absolutely detested those girls who would act like innocent damsel in distress waiting for her knight in shining armour to come and protect them. It made his blood boil just looking at their so called innocent faces. Of course his wife was one among them. But one thing which surprised him was his wife would never use makeup unless it was essential. Never would buy any designer dresses to herself. He had always bought those things for his wife not because he got pity over her but just because he needed her to attend business parties.

"Eros I swear I am not lying . I really love you very much since the day u first saw you. Even when you told me you dint want to marry me I knew I could make you Love me after marriage. I have loved all these years. Please Eros trust me. Just don't divorce me . If u want I can be your servant Eros I would be happy by just seeing you from far . Please don't throw me out. I have no where to go . Please Eros . I don't know anyone outside this house. I have no friends . How will I live. "
Pleaded Elizay with tears streaming down her face.

"Just cut the crap. I have had enough of your drama. If your not ready to sign these papers I know how to make you sign these papers. Guards throw this women out of this building and make sure she doesn't come here again. Take her"

Roared angry Eros and just like that their marriage had ended.

It made her hear break into pieces. She was absolutely devastated. She had no one to go to. Her family would not take her. She dint know anyone. What would she do. Her love, her handsome heartless husband threw at the middle of the night out in the roads to suffer.........................

Hey ppl what do you think what might happen in future . What do you think will make Eros realise his mistake.? Still how much difficulty our heroine would suffer??

To know please keep in touch with my story until then take care bye...........

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