Chapter 18

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The sunlight surfaced through the curtains and Eros opened his eyes. His head was pounding and suddenly he remembered yesterday's events. Him suffering from attacks.

After so long he had suffered from attacks. Oh no what must Elizay think of him , that he is such a weakling behind his tough guy attitude.

He turned across the bed and was mortified when he didn't find her with him. Yesterday she slept with him. Did she see what kind of pathetic man he was and decided to finally leave him.

As soon as that thought came to him he jumped out of his bed and began searching for his Elizay. What would he do now?

He searched like a mad man and she was nowhere to be found. He called his security and they told him none of them had seen her.

She was not in house and she wasn't even out. Where the hell was she???

Eros sat tiredly on the sofa and began crying . That minute when you realise that you had lost the only one you love because of your stupidity. She had left him and again like always he became a lonely bitter soul trying to toughen himself up.

No he didn't want that kind of life again . He was not living his life at all , all those years back . He was simply chasing his dreams like a mad man. The end result today he had everything he ever wanted but except the love of his life , his dear Elizay.

He dreaded this day when she would realise he was not worth her and would realise her mistake and truly leave him .

He cursed god,

"Why God if you wanted to take her away from me why did you let me fall in love with her and make me realise her true worth? I hate you because you took away all the ppl I ever loved in my life. First my dad , then my uncle and now even Elizay . Was my suffering not enough for you ? You still want to punish me ? Go on punish me still more till I have no life left in me....."

Goodness his entire security team , servants were surprised and pained to see the sight of Eros hurting so much. Nobody had thought that their tough , hard as rock boss was capable of such an emotion that too over his wife whom he hadn't cared about at all from the time they had joined as his workers.

Eros did not care that his whole staff was looking at him . He cried loudly like a madman . He took out all his pain , anguish , hurt he had stored al these years.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulders and was shocked to see the person.

Elizay could hear Eros screaming she ran inside house to see what was happening and was shocked to see the scene . Eros had made a great mess of himself. 

She ran towards him wondering what might have happened. She kept her hand on his shoulders. He lifted his head and was shocked to see Elizay .He got up and hugged her .

" Shh honey why are you crying ? Don't strain yourself more you might fall sick again ".

Eros laughed at her words even at this time all she cared was about him. He was so lucky to have her back. He lifted  her chin to look at her eyes as he uttered his words.

"I thought you left me Mia moglie. I was panicked to not see you near me . I searched the whole house where were you? I am such an emotional fool , I am crying over silly fear . I knew you wouldn't leave me.  Still I gave in to a moment of weakness and made a mess of myself . What must you think of me ?"

Eros was thinking that him crying was a mistake. Ohh her Eros had carried so much emotional burden she had no idea. Always the ruthless businessman being so vulnerable in front of so many people made him think that he was a weak , pathetic creature!!!

"No Eros you are not weak. In fact you are the strongest man I have ever met. No man accepts his mistakes and repents like you are doing. You have no need to do it . Still only for me you are willing to change yourself. And about your tears , a man who cries over a woman ,  loves her with everything in him. Haven't you heard ??? Your worry is natural and Eros Adrian Deluca I have always been proud of you. And I truly believe you love me just like the way I do " .

Eros was so happy listening to her words that he didn't realise he was crushing her to him in happiness. Elizay believed his love for her . She trusted him . Thank God she realised he was sincere . He was more than thankful for his accident after which he had Amnesia. Atleast he realised just how deep Elizay's love was that compelled him to love her in return.

He gave a day off to everyone of his staff members to enjoy themselves across the island .

"Eros I  never stopped loving you. I am so crazy for you that even after everything I could not stop myself from forgiving you. But that does not mean I will resume my position of being your wife . I deserve better than that. I was out in the morning thinking what could be done . I realised that you are a successful entrepreneur with a high knowledge and a mass of wealth. I am proud of you. But I want you to be proud of me too. "

" Sweetheart , I am proud of you. After all you put up with a stubborn ass such as me for so long and endured so much , you are such a strong personality. I love you and adore you. I want to give you a proper wedding and give you the respect you deserve . "

"I know Eros what you are saying. But I just don't want to be the business magnate's wife. I don't want to stand behind you. I want to stand beside you . I want to earn that position . Not just because I am your wife but because I deserve it. "

Eros frowned not realising what Elizay wanted to convey .

" Eros all I am trying to imply is I want to resume my studies and excel in it. I want you to be proud of me just like I am about you. And about the marriage , we started it on the wrong footing. We married for all the wrong reasons. I want to be courted , cherished  first. I want to share your problems, burden with me. I want you to see me as your equal and not some one weak whom you have to protect all the time. I want to start everything afresh. ".

Eros was touched by her thinking . She was so gentle and yet so firm . Yes she deserved everything in the world and he would lay it at her feet.

" Your wish is my command tesoro Mia . Let's start afresh and this time we'll marry for all the right reasons after a proper courtship you deserve . I shall try my best to be your deserving better half  and this is my promise to you ."

Ufff finally they reached the end of phase 1 of their  life. Now next chapter onwards you would see  phase 2 of their life.

Hmmm Elizay us such a sweetheart. She has so much backbone and she is so strong. I hope you ppl found it too.

Plzz forgive me for late and short update. There might be many mistakes and whole chapter had too much drama , it was necessary to give an end to this phase.

Next phase would be even more challenging with lot of struggles. Hopefully it would be interesting.

Thank you all for so much support . This book has got very good reviews . Do tell me how you found the chapter and my mistakes also so that I can correct .

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