Chapter 3

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One month later

Eros's life was pretty much the same as it was before her departure. He never really bothered to look at her. So now it made no huge difference. But media ppl where constantly bothering him about his divorce to his wife whom he had been married for 10 years. It was a shock in the city as THE EROS ADRIAN DELUCA was getting divorced. All the female fans were very happy. They now had a perfect opportunity to trap him. Not that they minded when he was married. They carried on with their efforts. Who wouldn't? The great business magnate who had whole stock market in his hand and who rose from nothing but a penny to the most powerful stock market king with billions of dollars wealth. If he chose now he could simply be holidaying his whole life. After all still he would be making enough money by simply sitting in his home. But he would not do it. Why? Because he had nothing or no one to be with him. He was simply in business because he had nothing else to do anyway. He dint love any one nor he had anyone who loved him. He had decided to be in business till he dies and then his whole property would be given away to charity.

His routine was the same. Getting up at 4 AM in the morning having one hour excercise and then stock market analysis by watching news . At sharp 7 his breakfast and reading newspaper immediately after that. At 8 he would be at his office in Nebraska. Then as usual he would attend all the meetings , meet investors, meet his clients and working on portfolios. His every action was closely followed by the corporate world after all ppl considered him as THE GOD of stock market. Literally the stock moves according to his predictions. Ppl were dying to get some investment tips from him. And then reach home at 8 for dinner. He always preferred to have dinner at his home rather than outside because he loved the food.Then he go to study relax little listening to soft music prepare for next day and sleep at 12 . Not that he would always earn money . He knew it to apply it to good cause after all he wouldn't be having any heirs to inherit his wealth. He chose to spend it for good causes just like his father. The mere mention of his father would dampen his mood . Still after so many years he couldn't move on from that incident.

As usual he got up at 4 after his chores  went to gym to excercise. Today he just couldn't concentrate on news. His mind wandered to his life in this past one month. Although he was living the same life as before he was quite frustrated. He dint know why he was but he knew he was very frustrated. Even the best of the best chefs couldn't match the taste of the food she used to prepare .Although his clothes would be nearly ironed and kept for him he just dint like the combination of his suits. Maybe somewhere he was missing her presence he didn't want to admit it. But it was really getting him bothered . He had to get rid of this feeling.

After he had thrown her out he thought she would stop bothering him. But God was never happy seeing him happy . God had to ruin his happiness . How? Well his wife constantly bothered him. No not in his mind but in reality. She would daily come to office waiting to talk to him , get appointment from his PA to meet him. This was daily occurence. He was tired of her constantly bothering him. He wanted her to stop pestering him so much.

At beginning she would come in the morning ,take an appointment and would wait for him till evening . He wouldn't bother to show her his face. He thought she would simply go. But next day same thing happened. She came waited while day for him but he refused to speak to her. Next day also same thing . He had asked his PA whether she would bother eating at all. She was always here at the time time when official appointment would start for ppl who wanted to meet him till the time ended. She was a laughing stock to all the staff odmf his company. Obviously who wouldn't laugh at her stupidity. But she was very stubborn still she would come wait all day and leave in the evening. He dint he should have been upset at her audacity or feel stupid for her. She was insulted by his leggy secretary , receptionists , even security guard. Still she had no shame. She wanted to speak to him. But he never bothered to meet her. He dint even throw her out of his office building. He wanted to see how stubborn she could be. Yet she managed to surprise him by being present everyday. He couldn't take it any more. He was starting to feel her absence in home . He dint want to tread on those dangerous path . He wanted to get rid of her once and for all. So  day before yesterday he made a plan and executed it. The result obviously she left him for good . She was not present yesterday to bother him in his office. All his staff were surprised. Some showed pity , some where happy that they finally got rid of her especially all the female staff. They knew their boss . They all thought that Divorce was because of his wife's fault. Everyone blamed her, even the media. She was a bitch in everyone's eyes. But none new the exact truth. Somewhere it made him feel guilty but he knew not to bother about it after all she was a money digging whore. Her parents had taken awfully great amount from him for her marriage. His step father had given that money that time. That minute he knew not to trust her innocence. She was as conniving as  shameless as  her parents.

He knew he went little overboard but he had taken a very drastic step to get rid of her. He could have simply banned her from entering his office. But he knew one way or the other she would again bother him. So he permanently got rid of her day before yesterday. Now she might even have left USA.

It was already 6 AM. He had spent 2 hours thinking about her. He had to distract himself from thinking about her . At the same time he received a call from his STEP - FATHER. He urgently wanted  to meet Eros.

Step father was a good man . Eros knew he was not bad. Yet he couldn't bring himself to call him his father . His step father had offered his help . But Eros had refused it. He wondered what was the matter that urgently had to be discussed. He called his PA and rescheduled all the meeting in the morning . He made his way to meet his step -father.

But unknown to him he had a very shocking news ahead.... Which would make him die of guilt. What was that shocking news?? What drastic step had he taken to get rid of Elizay? To know plzz keep in touch with my story.

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