The First Sight

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Yatta! I mentally exclaimed at myself as the sound of my blades touching the ice resonates all over my being the moment that I cleanly landed that quadruple loop.

It may sound so weird to others but that's what I actually feel whenever I succesfully land one of those difficult jumps on the rink, may it be on practice or in an actual competition. Well for the simple reason that they are me. I mean those quads simply define who Yuzuru Hanyu is as an athlete. Although many people might quite argue with that, saying that the stacking of my overall artistry, style and flexibility on the ice are what made me who I am in the arena today, for me to be honest I believe that those quads are still the main component that put me to where I stand at the moment- at the top of the Olympic, Grand Prix and World championships podium.

I geared up and threw my body in the air once again as another quad attempt. A salchow this time.

Yes! I mutedly celebrate its success as I landed it very cleanly once again.

"Yuzu that's enough. You need to take a break." The loud voice of Coach Brian startled me a bit as he authoritatively spit out those words from the side of the rink as soon as I settled my whole weight on the ice.

"You've been continously practicing for hours now and with multiple quads for that matter. At this rate your gonna risk yourself from having another injury again." He added in equal fervour as his last statement when he saw me finally looking at him now.

I sighed. With that, ever I slowly lessen my speed and skate towards where Coach Brian is. As much as I hated to admit he is actually right. I just recovered from a surgery because of a ligament tear on my foot last year and I can't risk to have another one right now. Being able to bounce back and reclaim my World title after a long hiatus because of that incident is quite a miracle in itself so I know that I shouldn't push my luck too much. After all, the Winter Olympic games are just only a few months away. I need to take good care of my body while training as optimally as I can in order to reach my peak athletic condition for that event.

"I told you to do only ten quads for this practice session. That salchow is your eleventh already. Clearly you didn't listen to what I've said." Coach specifically pointed as soon as I stepped out of the rink.

Typical of him to meticulously take track of everything including the actual number of my quads even though there are actually ten us his students inside the rink that he is currently monitoring at the moment.

"I am sorry Coach. I just got carried away." I said truthfully. I was so immersed in my own skating that I missed the number of my quads already. "It won't happen again. I promise. I am really sorry."

"That's alright. Just don't do it again understood?" Relief flooded inside me as I heared Coach's tone calmed a bit with that.

"Ok. I am really sorry Coach." I repeated sincerely in a small voice.

Then I saw him sighed. "I hope you don't take this the wrong way Yuzu. But know that I am only doing this for your own good. You are perfectly aware that doing too much could lead into one terrible disaster right? I only want what's the best for you and Javi especially now with the Olympcs on the way so please just understand and bear with me ok?"

"I understand Coach. Again I am sorry." Although I genuinely feel very sorry and really ashamed of myself because of that slip, at the same time I can't still deny the overwhelming gratitude that wells up inside me for this man who has not only been a great coach but also a real father figure to me for over the last five years of my career as a professional figure skater.

"That's alright son. Come on go eat and rest for the next hour. Then come back to practice your spins with only five more quads for the rest of the day ok?"

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