Not Much of A Bad Thing

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Dang it! Yuzuru thought in frustration as he snuggled in the couch of his hotel room in Osaka. A throw pillow placed under his ankle.

Yep his injured right ankle.

Days ago, he together with his ankle made headlines all over the world because of that bad quad lutz landing he had during practice, days before the NHK Trophy of the Grand Prix Series in Japan. The incident tore several vital ligaments thus disabling him to compete in the said event.

"Chikushō!" This time he can't help it anymore and just vent out loud.

If there is one event in the entire Grand Prix Series that he is really excited to participate in, it is absolutely the NHK Trophy. The feeling of having to share the experience with his fellow countrymen, who are earnestly support him in his 'home rink' is nothing but the best. That's why he feels really bad and disappointed now that he won't be able have the chance to experience all of that this year because of his unfortunate accident.

He groaned, got up and turned his head towards the room's wall clock to check the time.

Probably right now the last group of men is already performing their free skate.

Ugh! He slumped again.

Now, decided to just sleep his frustrations out, his mobile phone suddenly rang. Groaning again, he went and lazily pick it up without even looking at the caller's ID first.

"Moshi moshi!" Very unlively, he greeted.

"Hello, Yuzu?"

Yuzuru frantically got up as soon as he heared the person speak on the other line. He didn't have to ask to know who it was. One word and he could tell right away, for it is a voice that he longed to hear every single moment of his life in the past few months.

The voice of Tala Salonga.

"Hey, Tala! How are you?" He repeated his greeting. He was overly enthusiastic this time and it made Tala chuckle on the other line.

"Hey what's with the sudden shift of tone?" She asked.

He didn't answer and just smiled. His heart is rigorously thumping up and down in happiness that he swear he could almost hear it bounce. He must really be crazy now.

Yeah, crazy in lo..... He shook his head at his own silly thought.


"Yeah I'm still here. Sorry the remote fell, I have to pick it up." He answered. A lie.

"Are you busy?"

He noticed a slight trace of dismissal in her tone so he quickly denied. "No! No! I mean I am just watching TV."

"Really?" She mused. "Well you sure watch with a very low volume because I couldn't hear a thing in the background."

Shoot! Busted!

Thankfully he immediately thought of a brilliant excuse to that.

"Well because I muted the TV before answering the phone. It would really be impolite to talk with such nuances in the background, even if it's just via cellphone."

Tala chuckled once again, "Oh the ever so polite Mr. Hanyu. I really love you for that..."

Yuzuru almost fell on his seat. "Pardon?"

Did I hear it right? Did she just really told me that she.....

"No! I mean...uhm...I....uhm..." He heared her stuttered for a bit before a subtle sigh. ".....I really like that about you. Your super polite side. It's adorable."

POETRY ON ICE (A Yuzuru Hanyu Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now