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Last month I finally had the leisure of time to watch the anime Yuri On Ice after eons of 'next times' with matching of my friend's unlimited ranting that I should do it. As an avid anime fan I say that that particular anime is just an 'okay' type. You know those kinds which are actually good but unfortunately doesn't have x-factor and great impact that it will not leave you hyped up and hungrily craves for more episodes. To be honest I actually think it was overrated by my friend when she recommended it to me.

However I am still greatly thankful to that friend of mine for her endless reminders to watch Yuri On Ice because if not for that, I probably wouldn't have mustered the initiative to watch it therefore I also probably wouldn't have the chance to know this immensely talented and charismatic young figure skater-Yuzuru Hanyu.

Yuri On Ice introduced to me the 'Yuzuru Hanyu'. From one link to another, I stumbled upon one video of probably one of the most magnificent artistic performance that I've ever watched in my entire life so far. And that is his, Yuzuru Hanyu's 2015 Grand Prix Free Skate Program. The very performance that brought him his fourth consecutive gold medal for that said competition and another overwhelming world record.

It was primarily because of that performance why I became so fascinated by this young man that I started to research everything about him in the internet which eventually only resulted of me being converted into a fully fledged Yuzu fangirl from then on. Well in the first place, there's really no reason not to be anyway. First he is massively talented. He is powerful yet elegant and so graceful whenever he is on the ice. Second he practically eats quads for his meals. It looks really amazing especially when I watched it in a slowmo version. Third he has Winnie The Pooh as his best friend, that he always carries a tissue box version of him with him wherever he goes. His fascination with that cartoon character is extremely cute to be honest. And of course the last but definitely not the least he is an absolute cutie himself! With that overall subtle handsomeness, most especially those pair of chinky eyes that always disappeared whenever he smiles who wouldn't be smitten right? Yep. Absolutely no one. Eveybody will be charmed naturally.

But on top of these all amazing things about this guy, Yuzu still has no girlfriend yet. Although this fact made me extremely happy (well for the obvious reason that I can still freely fantasize to be his girlfriend myself hehe) I can't help to wonder and think of a thousand reasons as to why, as well as a thousand scenarios of how is he like, how a Yuzuru Hanyu is like when he is in love and as an actual boyfriend.

Therefore I made this story. To create a world where in a still close to reality Yuzuru Hanyu, finally learn and explore the wondeful realm of romance as he dances his very own poetry on ice.


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