18: Another outing

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Omg crying in the club is out now!!!

I don't own anything, this story is not mine.

Chapter 18 – Another outing.

Lauren's POV.

I was very pleased with our day out, even more pleased when Camila asked me to spend the following Monday with her. 

Sadly I had to make it through another week of playing servant. It's not fun, believe me. At work at 6 am and working pretty much until late. Not to mention the work can be grueling; scrub this, clean that, empty that, chop that, serve this and so on and so on and so on. Its mind numbing, to put it simply.

During my working hours, I've been taking care to work extra hard and be as professional as can be. Camila is taking a risk, by befriending me. I must not make her look bad, by appearing to take advantage of her by goofing off. I find it hard to be by her so often and not be able to do or say anything.

It sounds strange, but in some respect I've turned off my 2014 personality and let my character take over. She's tough frontier girl and can handle hard work with no complaint, it's one of the ways I cope with the long hours and hard work. 2014 Lauren would endlessly bitch and make everyone around her miserable from having to work 14 hours a day. I've got her boxed up pretty good, but she escapes from time to time. Like that withering glare I gave one of the gank trio when Camila and I were out. I or she, it is confusing, would have liked to kick the shit out of all of them. But that would embarrass Camila to no end and I simply won't do that.

I'm here with Camila, but it's largely a lie. I lay in bed at night, thinking how I could ever explain this.

But to distract me, I watch movies, read and play games. Since I'm an official time traveler, I decided to actually watch some science fiction. I had saved a few interesting looking ones on my kindle fire for me to watch. I started with the original Terminator. I liked that movie, it was dark, gritty and intense. I watched about 20 minutes of the second one, before I realized I couldn't stand the kid playing John Connor. He was annoying as fuck and I quickly found myself rooting for the evil Terminator.

The night before my next day off, Camila said she would come by around 9 in the morning, after breakfast. We hadn't discussed any plans, but I have been looking forward to it. Ok, I've been dying for Monday to come, I admitted it, happy now!"

As per normal on my day off, I slept in a bit, got up, washed using the ice cold stream water, made myself a meager breakfast and dressed. Of course, I made myself some coffee. I'm starting to get good at using the coffee grinder and the crude coffee pot.

I was ready at 9 AM, wearing my best dress when I heard a knock. I opened the door to find a smiling Camila standing there wearing a smile. For the most part, I've always found smiles to be annoying. A smile is supposed to make you happy, what if I don't want to be happy. Don't be smiling your smile and forcing your happiness on me. I like Camila's smile, she's allowed to smile.

"Good Morning Lauren. How are you this fine morning?"

I couldn't help myself and let a bit of my modern snarkyness leaked out. So I casually leaned up against the door frame, smirked and retorted playfully. "Well, I don't have to clean your chamber pot today, so all in all. It's a good day so far."

Camila's eyes opened wide and her mouth half fell open but no sound came out. I don't think she didn't quite know what to say. After a moment Camila sputtered, looking somewhat embarrassed. "Ah...Ah...That's nice....I guess."

I nodded. "Yes it is. So what do we have planned for today?"

Recovering from her embarrassment, Camila smiled. "Well I have to go into London this morning. I ordered a ball gown from Paris and they said it would be in today. I am going to go pick it up from the dressmaker."

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