24: Running down the clock

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Chapter 24 – Running down the clock.

Lauren's POV

I had to gotten off of work at 9 Pm and promptly set out towards London. Riding hard and fast I arrived in London just after 10:30 PM. It took, me a bit more to reach the factor where the worm hole was. I can only access the worm hole when the factory is closed. During the day, the room it appears in is croweded with people working. Having a wormhole show up then, would cause all kinds of problems.

I arrived at the factory about 11:00 PM and using my key, let myself in through the back door. Once inside, I hit the recall button on the watch.

A few moments later, a whirling circle of lights appeared on the ceiling. The basket was lowered shortly after.

I hopped in and rode back up. As I reached the top I said promptly to Sikowitz. "Don't shut down the wormhole. I need to go back."

He nodded and again reduced the wormhole to microscopic size.

"Ahh...So how was 1869. Did you succeed?" He said after looking me over to see how I looked..

"No, I didn't succeed; I pretty much screwed things up. I need to destroy this Austin person, once and for all. I then filled him in on what had happened to this point.

Sikowitz nodded. "Ok, what's your plan."

"That lady who did research for me, said that Augustus was accused of embezzlement from his family's firm. How he used the money to support his gambling and womanizing. But all this didn't come out into until several years after Camila died. I need to destroy him utterly and I'm going to move up the clock a bit. I'm going to the library research the newspapers from the 1870's and 1880's so I can find out all the details. How it was discovered, who accused him if anyone, what happened. I also want to get some details of his 2nd wife which was his mistress when he was married to Camila. I know he later divorces her. I need to dig up every bit of dirt I can on him. Only the internet and the computers at the library can give me that information."

After thinking for a moment, he said. "Sounds like a plan. You need to remember I have the wormhole still open, so time is ticking way in both times. Just to keep you up to date. You left on June 3rd, 2014. It is now 9:38 AM. August 14th, 2014. You've spent 10 weeks and 2 days in 1869 so 10 weeks and 2 days have passed here. Now when you came back here it was 11:09 PM, July 9th, 1869. Which means you have exactly 12 hours and 51 minutes before the wedding and the clock it ticking. More importantly you need to finish your business here in less than 8 hours. Remember the factory in 1869 will open at 7 AM and unless you want to cause a major panic by having the wormhole open up in a busy factory, you need to be back here in time. So you need be back here no later than about 5:30 in the afternoon. I know it's confusing but do you understand."

It was a bit hard to get my head around, but I got it. "Yeah, I understand. The clock it ticking. Every second I spend here gives me one less second there. I have 8 hours to finish my business here or I won't make it back before the factory opens. I need to go."

It was when I had rushed out on the street did I realize that I was wearing a 1869 dress in 2014. I was so used to wearing it, I didn't even think to change. Fortunately I had a change of clothes here, so I rushed back in and changed in the bathroom.

I'll tell you it was a thrill beyond belief to use a real toilet with real toilet paper for the first time in 10 weeks. It's pretty sad that I would find that thrilling, but you use rags and leaves for 10 weeks and see how you feel about it. Besides most out houses smell terrible and this bathroom smelled not too bad.

Having changed into modern clothes I took off and found myself once again in the present. I took a moment to take it all in; the cars, the planes, the noise, cell phones, all of it. Even me who was used to it, was a bit a taken aback by how busy everything was.

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