20: The Garden

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Chapter 20 - The Garden

No One's POV

Camila, her father and Lauren entered the ball. From what Lauren had read, there was a certain formality to how things were done. Such as, one could not ask a woman to dance without a proper introduction.

Mr. Cabello promptly went off and returned in a few moments with a small card and handed it to Lauren. He also gave her a pencil.

"Here is your dance card. Camila is engaged, so she is not likely to be asked to dance as it would seem in good taste. But in case you are not familiar, it is a list of all the songs and dances they will play and a line to put down who you plan to dance with."

"Thank you." Lauren said. She had heard the term dance card, but never actually had seen one. But that was how things were done, so Lauren decided to play along.

Lauren's little play was not due for another hour so she, Camila and Mr. Cabello walked around and mingled. Lauren was introduced to several well to do people; Young men, old men, proper ladies etc. They all engaged in polite conversation with many asking about America and what it was like.

Though Lauren had no interest in men, she quickly noticed several of them seemed to be interested in her. Several of the young men were struck by her beauty and just the fact that she was so different. After a short while Lauren had been asked to dance by at least 6 men. Not wanting to be rude, she graciously accepted and penciled them in on her dance card.

Camila wanting to see the food, pulled Lauren aside and took her into the adjoining room where a buffet of light finger foods was presented in a most elaborate manor. The table had, Tea, coffee, an assortment of Ices, biscuits, Cakes, Cracker bonbon's and small sandwiches. All of them were on sterling silver trays and each piece of food looked delicious.

Lauren chuckled to herself at the sheer fanciness of it all. She couldn't help but think of some of the parties she attended back in high school. A half barrel in one room, a DJ in another room and sometimes a few bags of potato chips to munch on. This was light years ahead of that.

After nibbling on a few sandwiches, it was time for Lauren to dance with one of the men who had requested. She had explained that she didn't really know the steps, but the guys didn't seem to care.

Lauren of course, pretended to enjoy the rather formal dance. She did so for two reasons, first not to be rude and secondly maybe it would make Camila just a bit jealous.

Camila spent a lot of her time, with her father or talking to some of the older ladies in attendance. All the while, she kept one eye on the mysterious American beauty, as Lauren danced with the young men. Camila found herself not liking it one single bit, much to her surprise.

Finally it was time to prepare for the small play. Lauren and her costar quickly changed into their costumes as Sir Miles announced that for his guests he was going to have a couple short scenes from Shakespeare presented to them.

The little play was presented on a small stage that had been constructed in one corner of the ball room.

As they were about to go on, Lauren found herself a bit nervous. Though she was loathe to admit it, she did suffer from stage fright on occasion.

Seeing her nervousness as they were about to take the stage, Charles looked sympathetically at her. "Stagefright?"

Laurennodded. "I shouldn't. I know, but it happens sometimes. I want to put on a good show for my friend and I'm nervous. I'll bet that something you don't have to contend with."

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