26: Out of the frying pan, into the fire

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Disclaimer: I do not own this story. I only changed it to a camren story.

Chapter 26 – Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

Lauren's POV

"Camz!" I screamed in horror. Then I shoved the pistol in my belt, ran to her and cradled her in my arms.

She then opened her eyes then slowly began to speak. "He was going to shoot you in the back. Couldn't let that happen."

It was at this point I suddenly became aware of the shouts of several people and what sounded like several dogs coming in my direction.

"The shot's came from over there!" I heard someone shout.

"OVER HERE!" I shouted in response.

Looking down at Camila and seeing she had been hit in the chest, I burst into tears. "NO Camz you can't die. You shouldn't have done that."

Camila reached up and touched my cheek with a loving gaze. "Had to save the woman I love."

"No...No...No...you can't die." I said, my voice cracking.

At this point 4 men with several dogs burst into the small clearing we were in.

"Where is he?" One of the men shouted.

I pointed off towards the direction I saw him run. "He went that way. I think he's running towards the river. I hit him in the arm."

"Alright men, after him." Said tall man holding a rifle. Then the group followed by a few others ran off leaving me alone.

However just a few seconds later, Camila's father burst into the clearing. Once he saw Camila had been shot, he turned ghostly white and ran to her.

"What happened?"

"Camila and I were talking and that bastard snuck up on us. Camz spotted him as he was about to shoot me in the back. She pushed me out of the way, but got hit herself. He dropped the gun and ran. I picked it up and fired. I'm sure I hit his left arm." I said in rage through my tears.

His brow quickly creased with worry as I handed his stricken daughter to him.

"Daddy! He was going to shoot Lauren."

"Don't talk Camila, please save your strength. You did a very brave thing. I am so sorry I ever arranged for you to marry that scoundrel. Had I even an inkling of his true character, I would have never, agreed to it. Please forgive me."

"It's ok, father. You didn't know."

I reached in one of my bags, ripped off a piece of one of my dresses and tried to apply direct pressure. "She needs a doctor!"

He then looked at the wound and seemed to cringe as his face turned more ashen. He knew something I could tell.

"What is it? Tell me!"

He looked at me gravely. "I've seen combat many times and I've seen wounds like this all too often, if she doesn't reach a surgeon in a short time than she will expire."

"How much time do we have?"

"The nearest surgeon is Dr. Hayes and I know for a fact that he's in London this afternoon. He said he'd be traveling there yesterday, when I briefly chatted with him at the inn. The next doctor I can think of is halfway to London." He said with resignation.

He then began to cry himself as he took her hand. "Oh my baby daughter, I cannot lose you."

Standing there, I began to panic. "Think, think dammit." I ranted.

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