How to Fall in Love (24)

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Copyright © 2014 by roastedpiglet (of Wattpad)

          All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author.

I M P O R T A NT :

"How to Fall in Love" is written in British English. As such, words with a certain spelling you will not normally encounter in American English (e.g. oesophagus, foetus, manoeuvre) will be everywhere in the story. When I find the time to do a shit ton of editing, I'll switch over to American English.

Piggy's Note:

Hello, lovelies! Thank you SOOOO much (yes, the caps lock was so totally required) for reading this right now! Thank you for not caring about how utterly terrible last chapter had been, and still giving this story a chance. I love you all so much, your reading/voting/commenting means so, so, so incredibly much, and I seriously could not ask for more. I'm really super blessed to have you all. :)

This chapter is dedicated to Gayle (@Black_Seraphim) for the beautiful cover to the side. Thank you!

To the right is the song for this chapter (which I love dearly; Coldplay is one of my dear favourites) and in the external link is an upcoming story I've started last year. :)

Please do drop a comment about what you think! I would love to know, and if you liked reading it as much as I liked writing it (I really tried making it more tolerable than most of the chapters), please let me know.

Also, as I live not in America, I have never been to any of the places Mia has been to. One example would be Central Park, so the Central Park in this story would be Mia's (or my) version of it, although I did try my best and had my fair share of research of the Big Apple. Time-wise, though, this story does follow the dates of the 2013 calendar. :)

The abrupt change from US to UK spelling would be fixed soon. Sorry for any inconvenience if there ever was. :)

Thank you again! Because I had only just realisedit's been over a year since I've posted How to Fall in Love on Wattpad! (And it's still not finished lol.)

See you again soon?

Cookies x muffins x cupcakes


P.S. Less than two weeks this time. I think it is an improvement, haha. Sorry, I should've uploaded this last Monday, but I thought I could still edit it, then it turned out that I couldn't, then I just ultimately sucked. So, any error you spot, please do tell!

ppppppppppppppps tell me what you think about finn, yes? please? because i'd really love to know. and whether he appeals to you as caring or conniving is very important to me :)


"Central Park, tomorrow, two in the afternoon. Wear something casual."

His head snapped back, our gazes falling from each other's, mine left staring after him. He was sat, staring lazily at his dashboard, pointedly ignoring me as though he had not said a word.

I blinked, and waited for a few seconds. Then, I opened the passenger door, exited his car, and opened the door to grab my laptop and write, my face flushed and blood rushing to my ears.

How to Fall in Love ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang