Chapter 9

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Captain's PoV

The prince and I finish our meals with casual conversation. For once, no questions, no accusations. Almost as if this place has left him unsure what to think. It is nice to actually just talk with someone like a normal human. I've never really known what it was like, even before I was a pirate I never had something like this. I find myself liking this prince. Perhaps he could find a place here, with these people in this city. Perhaps I condemned him the moment I decided to set sail for home. Perhaps I condemned him the moment I chose not to kill him right away. But, he did nothing to deserve death. He still has done nothing. Had he never swung over to my ship it would not have been a problem, but now. Now it becomes a conundrum for me. I've never intentionally killed anyone who did not deserve it, I'd rather not break that. All I've ever done it try and survive.

After paying our bill, to the many protests of Arya, and leaving the waitstaff a nice tip we depart. I bring Draen through the artists square, my favorite place in the city. It is no coincidence that the fastest route to my home is through the square. The prince seems to be in awe of everything he sees here. Unable to understand how a pirate could create all this. I suppose it is rather jarring to see how I act at sea in opposition with how the city is. I don't care what he thinks so long as he behaves himself within these limits. But I cannot help that small part of me that hopes that the prince can find peace here and leave behind his throne and title.

My thoughts are interrupted by a squealing voice running down the street. "Cap'n! Cap'n!" The little voice says. I spin quickly and squat down just as a small human jumps into my arms. I stand, laughing as I twirl the little girl around. "Cap'n, mumma says she won't let me stay up for festival tomorrow night," the child says with a little pout on her mouth. Just then a bemused Ren comes walking up the street.

"Evening, captain," she cuts a glance at Draen, "prince," she bites, her metal teeth clicking together. I roll my eyes at her tone.

"Ren, Vall says you won't let her stay up for festival tomorrow night," I accuse, holding the little girl closer. Just then Ren's wife, Marina, comes jogging up the street, her red hair in a frazzle about her. She laughs when she sees her daughter in my arms.

"Of course, she would come running to you. Good evening, Captain." Marina comes from Territa and has always had more refined speech than most.

"Vall cannot stay up that late. Especially not with school the next day," Ren reasons with me and her daughter. I give an over dramatic sigh before responding.

"But Ren," I say with a whine, "it's Festival! Please?" Vall and I saying the last word together. Ren and Marina glare at us slightly but I can see them breaking a little. "Well, if you two won't let her stay up, I, as her Godmother, will be forced to take action. She has my permission to stay up." The both snort at me.

"I suppose..." Marina trails off looking to her wife. Ren still has a stern look in her eyes as she and her wife have a strange sort of spousal mind contact that I've never understood. Slowly, I see Ren begin to break. With one final pointed look from Marina, Ren throws her hands up with exasperation.

"Fine. But no complaining before school tomorrow, young lady," Vall squeals again before jumping out of my arms and to her mothers. Together they turn to bring their daughter home.

With a laugh, Marina glances back to me she mouths a 'thank you' before saying "apologies, Captain, we hope to see you at Festival tomorrow!" I shoot her a wink before turning away. The prince is frozen in his place with another surprised look on his face.

The prince is silent as we walk back to my house. I open the door and notice a light escaping from my library. Interesting... though there is a faster way to the stairs, we pass by the house library and Draen stops with a funny little look on his face. "You can read?" I turn around with an incredulous expression on my face.

"Of course I can read! I'm a pirate, not a savage!" He gives me a pointed look as if to say they are basically one in the same, a point I suppose I can concede.

"Most pirates do not know how to read, in fact, most people cannot read unless they've been given a higher upbringing. I can only wonder where someone from Pirates Cove would acquire that," he muses. I freeze for only a moment before I compose my response. Actually, not a response, just a smirk tossed over my shoulder, not an explanation but that's not my problem.

"Do you need an escort to your room or can you manage on your own," I say, changing the subject entirely and not quite caring. I see something flash in his eyes that I can't place until... until he speaks.

"I think I can manage on my own... unless you'd like to escort me?" He purrs. I'm slightly shocked at this more vulgar side of the preppy prince.

"With you? Not a chance," I say but wink at him anyway. A dangerous game. His eye flash with some sort of approval or intrigue. As if he is saying "spar with me". I shake my head at him and watch as he makes his way down the hall. Only satisfied when I hear the click of his door up the stairs.

I walk into the library to a friend of mine giving me a Cheshire grin. "Do you need an escort to your room or can you manage on your own?" The girl says, smirking as she mocks me. "Who is that, love?" She asks me continuing to smile.

"A man I met at sea. He's from Alture," I say rolling my eyes. "I hope you haven't been throwing any wild parties while I've been gone and I fully expect my liquor cabinets to be full," I muse as I throw myself over one of the lounge chairs in here. Amma, my friend, lives here with me. Once upon a time we had a fling but broke it off, enjoying the friendship over relationship. Neither of us takes preference to male or female, though. Amma is a delight.

"Perhaps your Alturian man could use some linens. Heaven knows you never strip the sheets around this place," Amma says as she stands from her chair and shuts her book with a soft thud.

"Amma, be careful. I don't entirely trust him. Don't give him anything to use against you," I say.

"You want me to play innocent?" She asks, batting her eyelashes at me sweetly.

I laugh and mutter "something like that..." She struts from the room and I pick up the book she had been reading and snort. "And for the love of the sea, stop dog-earing my books!" I call after her. I hear her cackle as she walks down the hall and up the stairs.

I rise from the chair, grabbing a bottle of scotch as I pass my liquor stores and I head for the roof. I can only wonder what sort of hell Amma is planning to unleash upon me... but I have a hunch I'm going to want this bottle with me.

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