Author's note

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Hi everyone! So these past few months I've been working on this project that I am very excited to share with you all! It has been a long time coming mostly because I wanted to actually finish writing it before I posted anything so that I could post chapters regularly without fear of not being able to update it.

I'm not gonna lie, it started as just an idea that I had no intention of making into a full story but then I got wrapped up in it. It was my fun little project for the summer and I loved writing it. That being said, I think it's only fair to say that this is the first draft. A rough draft. Everything you will read from it has yet to be edited and yes, I know it definitely could use some work/world building/polishing up so bear with me please. I'm figuring it out as I go. Also, I am a native English speaker but I know my grammar and spelling might be off at places -- nobody is perfect! -- but I'll try my best to correct it as I go.

If read this, please leave comments with suggestions. It really makes my day to hear from people. I love constructive criticism because it will make me a better writer. But don't just bash on it please, if you don't like it, you don't have to read it.

I am not sure how regularly to update just yet... I'm thinking once a week right now but if it gets a lot of votes/comments/reads I might
bump it up to twice a week or more. It all depends, I guess. If you want to make art/covers, I would love to see them! You can message me and we can talk about it :)

Seeing as I wrote this out of order (because I'm dysfunctional lol) it might say I'm posting like part 20 when it's only chapter 5 (that's just a random example) but I'm not sure if Wattpad will say that or not. The point is, the title of each part is the chapter you are reading.

Ok that's all. Here we go! I proudly present: The WindFlyer

All rights reserved to the author (me) please don't take or copy any of my work without direct permission.

© 2017

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