Chapter 38

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Captain Astoria's PoV
~3 Weeks Later~

"Cap'n! A ship off the starboard bow!" My look out shouts from atop the mast. The shouts of my crew and the noise of the ship all halts. The crew looks up at me. I hand the control to my first mate. My finely polished black boots click against the polished mahogany planks of my ship, The WindFlyer, I walk slowly with even measured steps.

Pulling out a telescope from my belt, I take a look for myself. I spot a ship made of birch wood with three masts bearing red silk sails. I nod to myself and shout to the crew. "Ready yourselves, ye sea dogs! Let's show these land lovers a taste of the sea!" My crew let's out a battle cry before clipping their blue masks into place. I clip my own mask into place and leave nothing but my eyes showing. We blaze forward to meet the oncoming ship and I call out to the crew again, "hold your fire! Await the signal!" They do as I command, just like every time we go about this business.

The rival ship comes charging toward us as well and I am given a moments shock at her speed. Not a bad vessel. We beginning passing at I get my first good look at the crew and her captain. They are few in numbers and I nearly raise my pistol to make the first shot when something catches my eye.

The captain and his crew have red silk masks on that leave only their eyes visible. The captain wears a red coat and a three point hat lined with blue silk. I narrow my eyes at the stranger ship. I glance at her name, the FireTreader. A smile blooms under my blue mask as I holster the pistol. Without warning, I slash my arm through the air, giving my crew the signal they had been waiting for. I shout over their battle cries an order I know they all will hear. The pirates engage with the stranger ship and I see Andreas, upon handing the wheel back to me, moves to subdue the enemies. I let the commotion unfold in the corner of my eye as I look to the opposite helm where the captain of the FireTreader remains alone.

Even from across the two ships I can see a hard glint in their eyes. I watch as that captain hands off the wheel to another crew member and swings over to my deck. The battle ensures but I have no doubt in my mind that my crew can handle the opposing one. After a short while, the victorious shouts of my crew ring out over both my deck and the other ships, alerting me of the current situation.

I launch myself down to my main deck and engage with the opposing captain. Drawing my blade, I can't help but smirk as I sink low into my fighting stance. Upon closer examination I realize the captain is a male. He lunges at me with a high arched swing, I deflect and aim an attack of my own. My attack is parried away from his exposed side. I lunge forward and our blades clash together. The man is strong and has good skill the with blade, but I am Captain Astoria Roltem. I am cunning. We dance about and attempt to exchange blows for a while longer before I manage to come up with a good plan. I twirl my blade in my hand and send a hit toward his wrist. He deflects as I suspected he would, I do not need a recovery from his block because of the way I prepared my blow. I hit his blade away again as he aimed to hit me while I "recovered". I swing my leg up and hit his blade near the hilt with enough force to send it flying from his hand. It's easy, very easy for me. He dives across the deck to get his fallen blade but I send a kick to his stomach. He grunts but keeps going for it, I sigh and shake my head. I grab him by the scruff of his neck and yank him away. He tries to punch me or scratch me to force me to let go. I drop him and kick his stomach again. He rolls on his back and I point my blade at his neck. The fool tries to grab my blade to force it away, I step on his hand and hear him whimper softly, I smirk in triumph.

As I look into his eyes my smirk grows into a smile and, using the tip of my sword, I unhook the captain's mask and let the red silk fall away to reveal a familiar face to me.

"Alright, princeling, what made you think it was a wise choice to board an enemy ship full of pirates?" I say, recalling the first conversation I ever had with the face I am now looking at. Judging by the smile that now spreads across his face, he remembers too. "Fancy meeting you here, Prince Draen Marve Alture. A valiant attempt, I must say, but you'll have to do better than that." I toss him a wink but still hold the tip of my sword to his neck. As of our last parting, we became enemies.

Something akin to humor dances in his eyes as he replies to me, "you mean you haven't heard? Prince Draen Marve Alture died. Poor fool, they say he was murdered in his own bed." I chuckle slightly at the words.

"Then you must be a ghost, Prince," I scoff, throwing the words he had said to me when he found out my lineage back in his face.

"I am Captain Draen Alture," he says with emphasis on the captain part. "Captain of the FireTreader, soon to be one of the most feared pirate ships ever to sail." With those words ringing in the air I finally lower my sword and sheath it. I unclip my blue silk mask and let it fall from my face, the sea breeze caressing it as I do, and I smile at him.

"Well then, Captain Draen," I say with humor dancing in my eyes. I spread my arms and motion around me "Welcome aboard the WindFlyer."

I help Draen to his feet and clasp my hand to his forearm. Without a second thought, I pull him into an embrace and crash my lips against his. He returns the passion, I pull away first and look up at his sea blue eyes staring down at me with adoration. "It's good to see you," he chuckles at me and I give him a mock glare. I take my foot and hook it behind his legs. With a yank, I sweep his feet out and watch as he tumbles downward, his back flat on the deck once again.

"What took you so long?" I say as I pin him back to the deck in mock anger.

"Apologies, Captain, a master takes time to craft his ships, as I am sure you know," he says, still smiling at me and chuckling a little. I smirk at that and decide to let him get up again. Once on his feet, he takes cautious care to watch my legs for another attack. I give him a wink when his eyes meet mine again.

Placing a hand over my heart, I give him an over dramatic gasp, "what kind of master builder would craft a ship for a pirate?" He laughs and shakes his head before responding.

"Well none. I wasn't a pirate when I had her built." We both smile like the devil before he clears his throat and speaks again, somewhat awkwardly, "Would you mind having your crew release mine? I don't think my pirates take kindly to being subdued." He sounds a little like a child who has been reprimanded. I roll my eyes but the joy still plays on my features as I call for my crew to release the ship.

I watch as Draen swings back over to his ship and takes his place at the helm. I plant myself at the wheel. An emotion plays in my heart that I can't quite place as I hear us both shout our orders to the crew in unison. "Set a course for home!" Perhaps it's love.

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