Chapter 37

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Draen's PoV

We stand together on the deck of the WindFlyer and I look out over the sea. The sea that has always sung to me and beckoned with her foamy fingers and rolling tides. So this is it. This is that last time I will be aboard the infamous ship with the black hearted captain and crew. My heart gives a sad pang in response for all the lies and name slandering they receive. Through my time with the crew and with Captain Astoria, I have learned that not all tales are what they cracked up to be. Perhaps piracy is not as bad as I had once thought, they only do it to protect the ones they love. I glance over at Astoria, she stands at the helm in her blue captain's coat and three point hat rimmed with red silk. She stares ahead, duty bound to bring me home. I don't know why but I feel such dread at becoming that prince again and sitting on the throne. I have such dread knowing that I'll never be this free again. Even though my betrothed is dead and gone, my father will still find me a princess to lock me to the stone castle in Alture. So, I let the sea sing her song to me and let my heart break knowing what it means.

I make my way to Astoria, her voice is soft as she says to me, "we will reach a safe drop off point before the sun reaches the horizon." I nod to her, not having the voice to speak what I am thinking. A small smile plays over her lips as she hands the wheel to Andreas, her first mate, and turns to me. "One last round? For old times sake?" She asks me and I give her a pained smile.

Linking my arm with the Captain's, we slowly descend the stairs to the lower deck, as if we both know that each step brings us closer and closer to the inevitable. The crew gives us a wide berth of space, not daring to eavesdrop on anything we might say. I laugh silently to myself, they may be merciless pirates but they do have some morals.

For a while neither of us speaks, not wanting to break the hold the sea has on us. But as the ship approaches it's destination, Astoria says "You will make a good king and will find a loving wife, I am sure."

"My thanks, Captain," I say, bowing my head to her. "I only hope that I can someday build a city like Oneiro." She blushed slightly at that, pride shinning in her eyes. "I also hope that I can one day repay you for the freedom you have shown me," I croak, my throat bobbing with emotion. I sad smile plays over her features as she looks at me.

"You could stay, you know. My offer still stands," she whispers and I shake my head.

"I have... unfinished business in Alture..." I trail off. She nods sadly to me, like she already knew exactly what I would say. She takes a deep breath and then speaks.

"I cannot promise we will be friends the next time we pass. I cannot promise that I won't hurt you, either, but I can promise that I would weep for you if I did," she says. Her voice somewhat pained. My heart cracks a little hearing the words. I know that if we ever pass again I will be a prince and she will be a pirate. We will be enemies once more. It will be like nothing we went through ever happened.

"I know," I respond softly. Yes, I am sad, but part of me wants to have one more chance to banter with the pirate. After only a moment I smirk at her and speak again, "but, let's say I should one day wish to see you again. How might I go about that, as I do not know the way to your city?" She gives me a devilish grin that breaks through the sadness that had painted her features, her whole face seeming to light up.

"Legend has it I sail where the sun meets the horizon and the moon touches the waves." I roll my eyes at that. Yes, legends that paint you a man and say you take joy in murder. I remain silent and raise my eyebrows before Astoria caves and gives me an actual answer. "Rumor has it I may raid Alture next week and that I have been known to make port in Pirates Cove every so often," she smirks at me. I make a mental note of the information. It also occurs to me now, I feel no guilt having the knowledge that Astoria will raid my home, if I can even call it my home anymore. I know she only kills those who have earned it and I know she aims to give life to those who have not been granted it. Any income the kingdom will lose is not honest income. Perhaps it makes me a terrible ruler to think such things about my people.

A voice clears behind us and we both turn around to face Ren. "Captain, the raft is ready and we approach the drop zone," she says, her metal teeth clicking but this time I know it is not to intimidate me, rather to lock up the emotion I can see swirling in her eyes. I nod to Ren, we may not have been friendly, but I know she has a good heart. Astoria takes my hand on hers and glances at the cord around my neck which holds her sigil ring on it. She picks it up and drops it inside my shirt to hide it before she merely nods and dismisses Ren. Astoria leads me to the raft herself, which is set to be lowered into the ocean. If I look hard enough, I can see the outline of a port city in Alture. I climb onto the raft and stand there, looking at the pirate I have come to know. She does not come any closer than the railing of her ship when she speaks. "Remember, Prince, to protect my city you can never speak of who I am or what you know. You must," her voice catches, "you must forget everything you have seen. You must forget all of us and the small joy we have made for ourselves." I nod, knowing that what I've seen will go to my death bed with me. Part of me wishes there could be another way but I know my duty and I know what must be done; but first, first I swing down from the raft and stand before Astoria, so close our breath mingles. She looks up at me with a quizzical expression.

"Just once," I breathe, "just once."

"What?" She asks, not pulling away. "Just once what, Prince Draen?" Her voice caresses my ears in a whisper.

"Just once, I'd like to know what it is like to kiss--" I am cut off by Astoria.

"Your betrothed?" She asks with an amused expression. I shake my head and finish what I had meant to say.

"The woman I love."

With that, I crash my lips against hers. She laughs, a glorious sound I wish I could imprint in my memory for the rest of my life, and then begins to kiss me back. I hear a great cheer erupt for the crew near us. After what feels like not nearly enough time but also eternity, we pull apart. I jump back onto the raft and Astoria signals for the crew to begin lowering me. I see them clip their blue silk masks into place, lest anyone see them, before my raft hits the water. I look up at the captain as she holds a hand up for only the briefest moments before she turns away from me. The Windflyer's great blue sails snap open and begins its journey to whatever great adventure awaits them next. I stand on that raft, being gently floated to land, and watch as the ship gets smaller and smaller.

I let a tear fall from my eye that I had been holding back while on board the ship and take it all in one last time. "You're right, Captain, I'll have one hell of a story to tell."

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