Chapter 1

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"LUSY! GET UP! YOU'RE MOVING TO AUSTRALIA TODAY!" someone, my mom, screamed up the stairs towards my room.

I'm finally moving. I'm leaving. Finally.

Life here is living hell. My mom doesn't care about me. My dad beats me. I'm glad that I don't have any other siblings that have to go through this. But it's all over now. I'm leaving. I'm going to college which I got into for free because I graduated valedictorian in high school. I'm going to the University of Sydney in Australia. I've lived in New York, New York for the last 20 years of my life and I'm moving across the world today.

I looked at the clock by my bed. It read 8:30. Shoot! My plan leaves at 9. I jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed. I didn't even have time to take a shower! I only grabbed my phone and my carry on bag which had my phone charger and a change of clothes before rushing off to the airport. I had shipped all my stuff to my apartment a month ago and my roommate put it in my room. I don't know much about her because she told me she's kinda famous and didn't want to see me freak out until I got there.

I mad it to the airport just in time and boarded my plane. Just before they closed the door a guy, who, despite his 'bad boy' appearance, was extremely attractive, walked on, sat right next to me, and put on his headphones. I realized that the chances of holding a conversation with him were non-existent and decided to pull out my phone and watch some videos of my favorite YouTuber: Chloe Steele. After a couple of hours of that, I slept for the rest of the flight.

* * *

When I woke up, I realized that my head was on someone's shoulder. I hope it's not the attractive guy's. I look up. It was the attractive guy that I slept on. "Sorry," I mumbled.

"It's okay," he smirked. "My name's Logan."


"So, Lusy, what brings you to my beautiful home of Australia?" He questioned.

"School. I'm going to the University of Sydney."

"Is that right? Well, Lusy, I guess I'll see you soon." Logan said as he got up to leave. I guess the plane had landed while we were speaking.  I grabbed my bad from the overhead compartment and exited the plane.

I looked around for someone with a sign with my name on it because my roommate said she would send a car to get me. Finally, I spotted someone. "Hi," I said to the man with my name on a sign.

"Are you Ms. Lusy Young?"

"Yes sir"

"Come. The car is outside." He told me before leading me outside to a limo. Wait.... a limo?

"Umm... Excuse me, sir. Are you sure this is the right car?"

"Yes. Now please get in. Your roommate is very eager to meet you."

"Okay then," I responded and carefully got in the limo.

* * *

"Ms. Young, we're here." The driver said. "Apartment number 34 on the third floor." he reminded me.

"Thank you," I said stepping out of the limo and making my way into the building.

I found my apartment and knocked on the door. "Hello." called a familiar voice.

"Bu-I-you-I must be at the wrong apartment."

"Are you Lusy Young?"


"Well, then come on in roomie. I'm Chloe Steele, but I'm guessing you already knew that judging from your reaction." my idol said to me.

"Wait so you're really my roommate?" I asked starstruck.

"Yeo. I told you I was kinda famous and you might freak out." she laughed.

"This is amazing. I absolutely love you. In fact, I was watching your most recent video while I was on the plane. I was wondering who your new roommate would be."

"Aww I love you too and now you know. You're my new roomie." she told me while giving me a hug, "Oh, and I do have one rule: don't treat me like I'm famous. I'm just like you, a normal person."

"Okay. I can handle that." I said already calming down. "So, Chlo, what should we do on my first day in the beautiful country of Australia?"

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