Chapter 2

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Chloe and I decided it would probably be best if I just stayed home in our apartment and slept off my jetlag, so that's what I tried doing. There was too much running through my ming though for me to actually sleep. Classes next week, my parents, Logan, Chloe Steele as my roommate.

I decided to get up and see what Chloe was doing. I wondered the apartment before realizing that she was in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea.

"Hey. What are you doing up? I figured jetlag would have knocked you out by now. she said.

"No. I guess I'm one of those people who can't sleep it off and just has to stay awake."

"Oh. So what's on your mind?"

"A lot."

"Go through it one thing at a time and we'll talk about each one." She said making me a cup of tea.

"Well, I'm a bit nervous about classes next week."

"That's normal. So am I. I always hate starting somewhere new because everyone always freaks out about me being Chloe Steele, but I just want to be treated like a normal person. At least this time we'll have each other."

"Well, that's good. You won't just leave me to fend for myself. I'm also thinking about my parents. They are the reason I moved here."

"How are they the reason you moved here." She asked confused.

"I don't really want to talk about it tonight maybe some other time after we get to know each other better... the next thing on my mind is this guy I met on the plane. He also was leaving from New York. Apparently, he lives here. He asked what I was coming to Australia for and I told him I was going to the University of Sydney and he was just like 'well I guess I'll see you around' and it was just so weird." I said

"Two questions: was he cute and did you get his name?"

"Hmm... extremely hot with the whole bad boy look and he said his name was Logan."

Her face paled. "Logan? Black hair? Piercing blue eyes?" I nodded, "I'm warning you right now. You should stay away from him. He's nothing but trouble."

"Okay..." I trailed off.

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