Chapter 3

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For the next week, until classes started, Chloe and I traveled all over Australia doing all the typical tourist things. She introduced me to her audience who seemed to like me. She also had me start my own channel. Because of the fact that I'm a drama major, my channel will mostly be skits and a few challenges every so often.

Today is the first day of classes. Chloe and I don't have any classes together because of our different majors. I'm a really shy person because of how I grew up, I don't even have a single friend back in New York, so I really hope I can make some friends today.

As I headed to my first class of the year, acting 352, my mind wondered. Mainly I was thinking about Logan. How does Chloe know him and why should I stay away from him? Not like anything would happen between us anyways. Most guys don't respect the fact that I'm asexual. It's so hard to find guys that respect me being asexual or just guys that are asexual. If only...

I was so lost in thought that I didn't even realize I was already at my classroom. I quietly went in and found a seat. I was one of the few people already there. It must not be a very big class considering it's supposed to start soon. Oh well, I'll just set up my notes then.

As I was setting up my notes I heard someone come in and sit next to me. I didn't bother looking up because I had almost finished writing out my schedule.

"Hey. You. Pretty American girl." I heard a guy say. I finished what I was writing before looking up.

"How did you know I was from America?"

"Lucky guess, I knew you weren't from here, you're too pale, so I just guessed America because everyone there is so pale." The guy wasn't ugly but he was an idiot and I could tell what he wanted. " Anyways I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my room tonight. You know to get to know each other a little better."

"Hmm let me think about it... no."

"Aww, baby why not?"

"Maybe because you're a stereotyping idiot."

"Oh really? If that's what you think then come over tonight and I'll change that opinion for you."

"She said no." I looked up and was glad to see a familiar face.

"Stay out of this man. It isn't any of your business." the idiot said.

"I think it is my business when you decide to mess with girls that don't want to be messed with," Logan told him.

"Fine, you can have her anyways. She's boring." the idiot said while getting up and leaving.

"Thank you, Logan." I turned to face him, "I really have a hard time talking to people and I'm surprised I was actually able to talk to him for so long without freaking out."

"I'm glad I came to save you then. I hate guys like that. They disgust me, always preying on girls."

"I really do appreciate it. Anyways I would never have thought, from your appearance and the five minutes that we talked last week, that you would be into theater."

"I love theater! It's my passion. I know I have this whole scary look going on but that's just because I don't like people, and if you look scary then people don't talk to you, but under all this scariness is a big cuddly puppy!"

We talked for a little while longer before the teacher came in. "Okay guys my name is Professor Green but if that's too hard for you just call me Professor. Today I want you to partner up and do a short skit about sexuality. You can do it about your own sexuality or something else entirely. You have the first half to prepare it. Go!"

"Well the partner what sexuality?" Logan turned to me.

"I want to do something that we can relate to so tell me about yourself."

"Well 5 years ago when I was 16 my billionaire parents disowned me because they found out I was bi. I was sent to military school than public school in America. The public school was for only one year after I graduated from a military school which is why I am a freshman with you this year. By sending me away my parents caused me to lose the best thing that had ever happened to me at the time. Fast forward a few years, I'm 18 and after messing around with countless girls for two years I came to realize that all the meaningless sex that I had was not who I really am and I find no pleasure in it and I'm actually turned off by the thought of doing it and I finally admitted to myself that I am asexual. What about you?"

"Well umm mine is pretty simple I'm asexual. Guys try to offer me sex like earlier with that idiot or try to 'fix' me when there is nothing to be fixed. I never told my parents and you are the first person that I've told other that the only guy I've dated and my older brother." I say looking down.

"Well, then it's decided! we do it on asexuality." his cheerfulness made me look up. "It's actually quite simple. We're a couple and you're asexual and I'm not. I say that I respect your decision, but I don't act like I do. I try to force you and blah blah blah."

"Sounds like my one relationship, except after I broke up with him he kept going to places he knew I would be and pretty much stalked me... anyway do we have to kiss?"

"Only if you're comfortable with it. It would make it more believable though."

"I'm not super comfortable with it, but we'll do it. I don't like a lot of kissy-feely stuff, but it'll make our skit better so I'll do it, plus I'll have to do it if I go into acting professionally." I explain.

"Are you sure? We don't have to do it if you don't want to." Logan said concerned.

"I'm sure!"

"Okay, guys that's time. Who wants to go first?" Professor Green called out.

The idiot and his friend went first and did the sexuality they chose, which was lesbian which Professor Green looked highly unimpressed by. Logan and I went next.

My palms were a little sweaty as logan introduced us.

"Hey guys this is Lusy," I waved, "and I'm Logan. The sexuality we chose was asexual because we can both relate and understand it. I hope you enjoy."

"Before we even start dating I want to make sure you realize that I am asexual and I won't let this relationship end up being a physical relationship." I began explaining to Logan.

"That's fine babe. I can respect that. I can live without sex." Logan changed his voice so he could narrate in his own voice. "That was the day they began dating. For the next few weeks, everything was fine." he got closer to me and clung to me.

"I told you when we started dating that I wouldn't be involved in a physical relationship." He then forced himself onto me and kissed me.

"Babe everyone else is doing it. Why do you have to be such a prude?!" I didn't realize he would be calling me names. That brought back too many memories and I began to cry. I could see the regret in his eyes.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have lied to me when we first started dating, saying you respected my sexuality! Maybe you should go be with someone that will actually fuck you!" I screamed while sobbing.

Logan ended it off saying that this is how most asexual people felt in relationships. As I turned and rushed out the door I heard him coming after me. I made it about halfway down the hallway before he caught up and I broke down sobbing in his arms.

"Lusy, I'm so sorry! I never wanted to hurt you. I got caught up with the skit. Please stop crying. I'm so sorry." Logan kept telling me he was sorry as I just cried in his arms.

As I stopped crying I realized what I had done. "I'm sorry," I said and ran off to the car Chloe had let me borrow. I heard Logan trying to chase me, but I wasn't a high school track star for nothing. I quickly outran him and made it to my car and left the campus to go home. It was my only class of the day, so I could go home and cry without having to worry about class.

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