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All the guys started jogging on the field, the coach walking sluggishly behind them, blowing his whistle. "Alright boys you are going to do the usual warm-up, got it?" He yelled as they begun running laps in a large group, Andy somewhere in the middle, Jullian in the front.

Stop being so athletic Jullian.

I watch as they continue their warm-up, some not even seeming to break a sweat and as for the others... they died 2 laps ago.


By the time they're done with warm-ups they've become shirtless and sweaty as hell. But who's complaining?

I watch as the coach starts to separate them into 2 groups, one with helmets, one without.

This is not safe.

But I'm watching anyways- where's the popcorn?

By the end of them separating Andy is on the helmet team and Jullian is on the one without. They begin getting set-up, helmets starting the ball. The scrimmage starts with the ball in who I assume is Andy's hands, passing it to another helmet until someone pushes them over, catching it instead. I sigh as I watch the runner pass everyone that's coming after him, resulting in a score. When he scores he turns around, showing his face.

Jullian, what're the odds.

What is this? A Wattpad book?

oh wait-

He looks my way, seeming unable to turn away, I continue to stare at him until a helmet slams into his abdomen, knocking him into the ground.

Even I could feel that hit from here.

The coach blows his whistle, telling the helmet player to bench, which he obliges, sluggishly making his way to the seat. Jullian on the other hand, remains on the ground, almost motionless. The coach walks over to him as he clutches his stomach, groaning in pain. He blows his whistle again, calling a few boys to go over to Jullian, then points to me. I remain quiet and wide-eyed as one of the boys starts trotting up the bleacher, stopping mid-way.

"So, you're Eleanor, right?" He says, practically sweating buckets.

"Uh yeah, who's asking?" I ask, watching him breath heavily, then watching the others pull Jullian inside the school.

"Coach, he wanted me to ask if you were one of the nursing assistants, are you?"

I contemplate lying, he did ask if I was one which means he doesn't really know.

The angel side of me says yes, the devil side of me says let Jullian die a painful death.

He remains quiet, watching me carefully as I come up with an answer. I let out an annoyed huff of air and nod my head "mhm, for 3rd period," I say, my voice audibly dull, distracted by what's going on behind him.

"Okay good because if you couldn't tell, Jullian might need a little help since we don't have the sports medicine people here today," he says and I sigh, rubbing the side of my face.

"How does your coach even know me?"

"You're at practices often with Andy, coach asks who you are, Andy tells him, coach tells him you need to leave, Andy tells you that you're a nursing assistant and that if anybody got hurt you could help, coach let you stay... boom," He says and I chuckle.


"Boom," he says, confident as ever, "Now go help a team out," he smiles and I nod.

"Will do" I smile, it immediately dropping the second he turns his back to go down to the field.

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