Kidnapped by a Psychopath- Chapter 2

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"We are, each of us, our own prisoner. We are locked up in our own story."

My eyes sprung open when I felt my body jerk to the left suddenly, the force resulted in my head slamming into a metal surface. A surface I couldn't see because I was embraced in a world of darkness. My mouth was dry and my tongue felt like sandpaper on the roof of my mouth  due to the cloth still shoved between my lips. The air around me was hot and smelled like sweat, vomit, and. . .blood? I scrunched up my nose at the thought. My wrists were still bounded behind my back tightly and I was laying on my side, the ground beneath seemed to be moving. . .

I looked around trying to adjust my eyes to the endless dark. My head was throbbing as the reality of what happened last night came crashing down on me.

Oh no. I started to remember my night at the club. The flashing lights, the smell of sweat, the dance floor, the countless drinks, the men who couldn't keep their eyes off me.

The stranger that waiting outside of the club.

I remembered running. I was running a lot last night. I remember said stranger chasing me. The man that held a knife to my throat later on.

Why the fucking fuck did I drink so much last night.

I was completely bitter. What had happened to me? Think Amber. Think.

I could piece together that I was waiting for an Uber, I just wanted to get home, and that the man with the tattoos, had started telling me that his boss wanted me. I remembered the fear in my veins and I remember running away to look for an open building. I remembered kicking someone or something because there was a twisted pain in my right foot.

I could feel my eyes well up with tears when I remembered getting thrown to the ground and someone drugging me.

I had been kidnapped.

The feeling of the world moving beneath me wasn't from a hangover, no, it was because I was in a car. I was tied up in a dark car.

I thought I could've been in a trunk. I've seen so many movies and TV shows to know that my captor could've placed me within the trunk of his car. But I could move freely. My legs were outstretched as well as my arms. I could move around, I knew that much about the situation I was in.

The man last night kept mentioning his boss, saying he wants me. Why me? I wondered. I wasn't sure why I was being targeted. Not at all. I haven't made any enemies recently. Not since high school, but that was some petty drama problems. At University I didn't have any friends really, just some people I associated with from time to time. Nothing was making sense.

My classes started tomorrow. Last night was supposed to be filled with freedom and carelessness. This wasn't supposed to happen. I was going to today to rejuvenate and then start my classes back up for my go at year two.

My head kept piling up with new questions I wanted to ask. For starters: Who are you? Who is your boss? Where am I going? How do you know who I am? Why do you want me? What did I do to you? I would have to hold my tongue given that none were going to be answered.

My eyes started to adjust. I could see that I was in a van of some sort. The metal doors that led outside were closed tightly and -I assumed- locked from the outside. There was a gray towel that lay on the floor and it was wrinkled. The walls around me were indeed metal, I could tell because of my head hitting it. In front of me where the driver and passenger would sit was covered in a thick black wrap of material, preventing me from seeing who was operating the vehicle.

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