Kidnapped by a Psychopath- Chapter 7

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(Dress mentioned later!)

"Unplanned moments are always better than planned ones."

Harsh pounding on the door had my eyes slowly opening. My head instantly began throbbing under my skull from the back to the front. My eyes pulled open hesitantly, their movement tearing through the thin layer of crust that had gathered from the tears.

The pounding against the door got even louder, terrifyingly louder. With each thud, I could feel my head throbbing harder. I was intrigued to know who was causing such raucous noise. I realized -from taking in my foreign surroundings- that I must've fell asleep with my back against the door. Where I spent a majority of the evening sobbing against.

My legs were sprawled out in front of me, caked with the dirt that was starting to darken the carpet's white color. My stiff neck was arched upwards towards the ceiling. The room was starting to get tainted in a darker color as the sun started to set. The white walls getting washed over in a deep orange shade.

"Open the fucking door, Amber." I heard Shadow growl out menacingly from the other side, his accented voice sending shivers down my spine. "I will break it down. Open up!"

I scrambled up from the floor quickly to avoid being split in half by his large frame. "Yeah-" I coughed, clearing my raspy my voice. "Yeah, I'm coming." I groaned deeply as a wave of nausea washed over me.

I pulled the door open and took in Shadow standing there with his arms crossed across his chest and a scowl on his chiseled face. Instead of his black trench coat he wore a long sleeved black shirt. He had black jeans on and dark combat boots that he could squash me with. His green eyes narrowed as I unsubtly checked him out.

"You look like shit." He cringed. "Didn't Moretti tell ya to clean up for dinner?" He asked while scanning my body over.

I narrowed my eyes at his rude comment. "I'm aware that I look disgusting. You didn't give me a chance to stay clean when you threw me into the dirty street." I spit before turning away from the entrance.

I heard Shadow step into my room and close the door with a click

"And no, he didn't tell me I had to attend a dinner." I rubbed my makeup smeared eyes before plopping down on the bed. I was probably rubbing dirt stains along it's expensive material. Take that, Moretti.

I opened my eye after a minute of silence. Shadow stared at me with a mixed-emotion look on his face. His eyes holding a strange intensity to them.

"What?" I snapped before closing my eyes again.

"Nothing. I would get ready though, dinner is being served up in," he paused to look at the solid black Giorgio Armani on his right wrist. "half an hour. I wouldn't keep him waiting."

I groaned loudly, my hands gripping at the soft comforter. "I'm not going to dinner with a bunch of murders by choice."

I felt an icy hand grab my wrist and pull me up to my aching feet. My eyes sprung open in surprise and I came face-to-face with the emerald jewels known as Shadow's eyes. Wow they are beautiful.

"Then I'll force you." He growled out. "Get in the fucking shower now."

I clenched my jaw. "No."

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