Kidnapped by a Psychopath- Chapter 9

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"A queen will always turn pain into power."

The second that two lettered word left his lips, I lost all the confidence I was slowly trying to gain back. Who the hell was I to stand back and let this man push me around and break me until I was like the other cowards who kissed the ground he walked on? Those thoughts were long gone as his right arm hooked around my back, pushing me against him, and his lips were pressed against my earlobe.

The way his breathing remained nonchalant during the silence rubbed me the wrong way. I could feel his chest slowly moving up and down and I could feel his heart faintly pulsing against my chest.

Just minutes before this man was torturing me with showing off the power he has obtained over me: throwing me into a room with dangerous men, using arsenal to scare me into silence, and now keeping me in the dark with him and his psychotic ways.

"N-no?" I stuttered out, surprising considered I rarely ever stuttered. I hate showing my weaknesses and that slip right there gave him more power over me.

I could feel a grin grow against my ear, causing a slight shudder to run down my spine.

He chuckled before removing his hand from my lower spine and wrapping it into my curly hair. He pulled slightly and I winced. He adjusted my head to be centered with his.

The room was enveloped in dimness but the full moon shone in from the balcony's sliding glass doors, developing our bodies to look like two silhouettes.

I knew I was face to face with Caden because even in darkness, his blue eyes glowed magnificently.

"You really like to test my patience, Rain." He grinned. His white teeth becoming visible. "Honestly, if a single man would dare speak to me the way you have in just these short twelve hours, I would've blown their fucking brains out or slit their necks and licked the blood off my hands after. Get me?"

I nodded quickly because this man was scaring the hell out of me more than any of our other encounters had.

"Also who said anything about becoming friends with Chiara?" He growled out, losing his malevolent smile. "She came out to defend you. Isn't that fucking cute? No, stay away from her. I don't want your disgusting, whorish ways rubbing off on her. Got it?"

I swallowed before trying to back away. His grip was fierce and I knew he had me trapped.

"Caden I didn't know-"

He fisted my hair harder making me cry out and stop my sentence short. "What have I said about using my name." He hissed slightly.

I breathed out. "I. . .I didn't know she did that." His jaw clicked. "D-defended me."

"That wasn't my question, was it?" He brushed off my statement. "Don't talk to her. She gets attached to anyone I bring around and I just don't know how long you'll be around." His free hand wiped a tear from my cheek. I didn't even know I was crying. My stomach churned as he licked the salty drop off the pad of his finger.

"Come with me." He barley whispered before he grabbed my left arm and pulled me towards the door.

I wanted to object but he seemed more touchy than before and I didn't want to get yelled at, hit, or worse.

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