Kidnapped by a Psychopath- Chapter 14

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Um... Shadow can have my babies? Ya.

Also read the author's note at the end of chapter!!


"Your body can withstand anything, it's your mind you have to convince."

Two days later:

Its been two days since the game between Caden and I, the game -as he called it- that traumatized me beyond anything else, where he hunted me down like animal and caused me lots of pain and damage shared between the two of us. My pain more on the mental side, his on the physical side.

Still can't believe I stabbed a mob boss.

And, all I have done is been sealed behind 'my' room's walls. Laila, the Italian Mafia's house doctor, surprisingly, didn't act how I thought she would. Her personality, from what I saw, was tough exterior but warm heart. I could see she cared a great deal about Caden and his family. Instead of cursing at me or physically hitting me, she laughed, gave me a congratulations, and continued on to patch his thigh up.

I liked her.

The men here made me feel as if I was always walking on eggshells, that if I looked at the wrong person the wrong way on the wrong day, it would  all be over. But, some men gave me bad feelings. Even with Caden, some couldn't hide their hungry gazes and wandering eyes.

The stress of being here was beginning to boil over when I had time to myself the last few days. I realized that being caught up in Shadow's shroud remarks, conversations with Dylan and Chiara, and mind games with Caden hadn't given me any opportunity to think thoroughly. Being alone had. The silence was almost whispering my personal thoughts to me.

The only human contact I had received was from the emotionless maids and butlers that brought me my core meals three times a day. Mostly, I would pick at the food and barely actually digest it. I couldn't eat and I couldn't sleep. Thoughts about my father, about school, and Caden swarmed around me for hours at a time.

I haven't even showered or changed since the woods, finding the will to get out of the bed was a challenge. The clothes on me were dry and disgustingly enough, crusting. I'm sure the smell radiating off me was absolutely revolting. I had become nose-blind to it.

A harsh knock came to my door and my ears perked up at the noise. The maids had already brought my breakfast not too long ago and I knew lunch wasn't going to be brought up for at least a couple of more hours.

I currently laid facing the white walls. The gold comforter pulled up to wrap around my body and covering the majority of my face. My right shoulder had gone numb from the weight; my body was too weak to pull itself up in order to allow the blood flow access to the area.

I didn't need any human contact, not anymore it seems.

A few minutes went by, with me having no prevail to answer the waiting person behind the door, and I heard the faint twist of metal as the door was pushed open.

I could hear the small noise of shoes sinking into the plush carpet as the person neared me. Strangely enough, I wasn't feeling any fear. I didn't know what or who to expect. I didn't care.

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