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After fifth and sixth period I was on my way home and still couldn't get Alex out of my mind. His warm hands, loving fac...... NO, I shouldn't be thinking this, this is what started this whole mess, liking dudes, it started it.
A big hand grabbed my arm

"HEY! Let go!" I yelled, halfway to my house.
The guys who grabbed me were two of Törin's "servants". They put a hand over my mouth while I was thrashing about. The "servants" were named Tod and Paul, they played football, and were the strongest on their team. There was no chance I could escape.
Tod and Paul took me near the front gates of the school where Törin and three other boisterous bullies were holding a riled-up Alex. Immediately, I became tense, forgetting all my earlier thoughts.

Sweat was beading on his forehead from trying to fight the boys for so long, he stood tall, giving up the fight, but not his pride.

"My girl spotted you two in the hall, close to kissing. ADMIT it or he'll get punished" Törin spat.


"Well, we want to keep this school homo-less, and especially fag kissing-less" he smirked.

"That didn't even make sense idiot!" I screamed drawing a venomous glare from Torin.

I looked at Alex who whispered
"Don't" in a pleading voice. I put my head down the guys holding me snickered.

"Well then, I guess, BATTERS UP" Törin cheered grabbing a baseball bat I didn't notice before.

"NOOO" I screamed, but it was too late. A big sound erupted and He crumpled on the ground, unconscious. Using a strength I didn't know I had, I pushed the two guys off of me and ran to Alex. The boys started running, not wanting to get caught. Tears streaming down my face, I called 911. My right eye was so blurry I kept flubbing the numbers no matter how many times I dried it. Finally, it went through and the person said that an ambulance would be there In less than five minutes. There was a hospital conveniently close to the school so it wasn't long before the blaring sirens rounded the corner, and sped into the bus lane where I sat next to the seemingly lifeless body. The paramedics rushed out.

"What happened?" they said concerned.

"A fight! A baseball bat, they ran away! Please help him!!!!" I cried

"His pulse is weak!" The paramedic shouted to the other.

"Quick get him on a stretcher, start a large bore-iv of saline and blood!" They said confusingly. I rushed with them, they didn't even ask who I was.

"Why blood?!" I screamed as the paramedic was doing a million things and the other was driving like a maniac to the hospital.

"This weak of a pulse after blunt force (although not usually just from a baseball bat) indicates internal bleeding, he needs a CT and most likely surgery."

My whole world stopped. Even though I barely had communicated with Alex, I had this feeling that I just couldn't live without him, I NEED him.

"You coming?" the lady paramedic shouted, already half out the ambulance with Alex. I didn't know we were here already. I thought hopping out.

"What've we got?" A doctor said rushing over.

"A male, I think senior? With possible internal hemorrhage in the frontal lobe from a baseball bat. A weak pulse flushed skin." The paramedic said making my mind explode.

"Get him to CT now! Then bring him to the trauma bay!" The doctor demanded.
They were running down the hall through a bunch of twists and turns when the doctor stopped me in front of a sign above me that said "Trauma Bay".

"What happened, kid?" the doctor said.

"They saw us talking and my face was close to his, they wanted me to admit it but Alex said not to, PLEASE HELP HIM!!!"

"We'll do our best," she said solemnly

"DO BETTER THAN YOUR BEST! please" I cried. She put a hand on my shoulder then walked away.
A few minutes later as I was still standing in the middle of the floor, wishing this was all a dream when a nurse grabbed me.

"Follow me, son," she said. I walked robotically to the desk and she motioned me to come inside.
"I'm not supposed to bring you behind the nurse's desk but I am going to SO, what's your relationship with him?"
I looked at her quizzically, still wiping tears off my face.
"I know that sounds weird but let's talk okay?" She said soothingly.

"Okay," I sniffled.
"Well we accidentally put our hands together, and I had liked him for a while before this, and he wasn't disgusted by it, then he went out the room and I told him it was okay. I was in a really bad place and he probably saved me from doing something horrible or thinking that way. The kids hit him with a bat, the same ones who hurt me before. I saw him crumple to the floor, I should've just admitted we almost kissed it's my..." I said spilling my guts, the jumble of words just pouring out.

"It's not your fault they would've done it anyway" the nurse whose name tag said Stacy replied

"How do you.." I stammered

"Being a nurse, you get taunted and when I was young I was taunted, I know how bullies work. Anyways is there someone we can call for him?" Stacy questioned

"I don't know," I said shamefully.

"Well then what's his name?" She asked

"Alex, Alex Fairmount" I stated. Stacy quickly typed something in her computer, then her face turned into someone who had just come out of a horror film.

"What is it?" I asked hesitantly

"I'm-m-m not supposed to disclose personal information, but I trust you. Alex, well....he has no parents."

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