The Truth Behind The Bully

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I was surprised that I was this frank with Alex but It was an impulse. I went to go sit back down but he pulled me back into the passionate embrace all of our feelings pouring from one soul to another. Then he let me sit back down. There was a knock on the door. Nurse Stacy walked in. I knew it was bad news and it immediately ruined the mood.

"Alex, you had a very serious injury to your brain and the neurologist, well he asked me to deliver the news....that, you might never be able to fully gain the use of your legs again. So no basketball, and/or soccer. To add more salt to the wound, since your birthdays soon, you'll be 18 and too old to be in foster care. I'm so sorry about this news Alex" she whispered tears in her eyes. He didn't say anything until she left and he just mouthed the word
And started crying. I hugged him caging him in my arms, without hurting his chest. He buried his head on my sternum and grabbed the back of my body, clinging on to me, like I was the only thing that he trusted, weeping into my shirt. I stayed like that until he was so tired he fell asleep. I swung my legs over the bed and got a blanket that was in a nearby chair, draping it over the top of him even though I was cold too. I was tempted to crawl in next to his muscular body, but I didn't because I didn't know how that would go. So instead I lay my head on the hospital bed, cold and worried.

I was discharged the next day and was punished by my dad for being gone for about a week, he didn't even notice my missing eye on account that he punched right above the bandage and now it was swollen again. At school my grades started dropping, when I came back they went up a little bit, but I was having trouble writing with one eye. The next week all I did was go to school and visit Alex at the hospital. He was in physical therapy and soon he'd be able to be discharged to his foster home and school. He could only stay in his foster home for two more weeks.

On Friday (today) I went to visit Alex again, the day before he got discharged.

"Why are they letting you go so early?" I said trying to put my stuff on the chair but missing it. I was shocked about finding out the news great but just as confusing. I tried not to be too curious.

"Hand me your stuff," he said as I was profusely blushing.

"You just lost an eye no more than a week ago. Give yourself some slack." He said smiling, grabbing my stuff out of my open arms.
"They said even though I can't walk yet or do much even if I could, on account of my fucked up ribs. I can talk well enough now that I should go back to school and get my friggen grades back up." He sighed.
What time?" I asked.

"3 pm, an hour after school ends." He said quoting an ICU nurse in a high-pitched voice. We both cracked up at that, even though it caused him some pain.

"What will you do about your head, baldy" I mocked. He punched my arm. Then he said with sudden surprise
"The opthamoligisthingy person told me to give you this, for school." He handed me a blue eye patch. "That's until you get the eye put in cyclops" he chuckled making the joke a second time. I knew this was probably going to stick.
Alex gasped, "Oh speaking of school, I was gonna tell you this, but then I completely forgot, but it might clear up a few things," Alex said picking some crappy hospital tuna sandwich from his teeth.

"What?" I asked excitedly but also genuinely curious.

"Ya know Törin?" Alex questioned.

"You know I just can't remember like I can't put my finger on that name." Sarcastically pointing at his chest.

"Haha, very funny." He stated. "Anyways, he and his guy friend Jamie, secretly do IT!"

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