Coming Out

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***Thursday, after an uneventful week. *** One day before prom***
~Jamie's POV

Today I was at my breaking point. It was the day before prom and Törin hasn't asked me to go with him yet. At this point it didn't have to be extravagant, I just wanted him to ask. All my first classes were without him I also managed to avoid him this morning before school. He has barely talked to me this week, my anger was festering. I had planned my anger speech for lunch in front of his table of popular football players. The bell rang, ending fourth period but I didn't notice until Tarra poked me in the back.
"Sorry" I mumbled.

It was lunch now, and I entered the cafeteria storming over to the popular table. Törin looked at me with his heart-melting green eyes that caught me off guard for a moment.
"Törin! Did you forget what was tomorrow?!?!????!!!!!! You made a promise ass hole!!! You fucking lied, I hate you!!!! Are you even listening?!?!!" I screamed, people had gone quiet, but Törin wasn't focused on them or me. I was about to walk away when he stood on the table, his delicious familiar abs in my view, and looked directly into my eyes.

"Jamie! I know I took a long time to do this, but would you go to prom with me as my BOYFRIEND!" He shouted for the entire cafeteria to hear. There were gasps everywhere, but I walked by Alex and gave him a high five.

"Yes," I said, and there were cheers. He hopped down and kissed me right there a lot of people were shouting AWWW. Some people, the football team, and a few other bigots were unimpressed but were quickly shut up by our Jörin supporters. He pulled his head slightly back and whispered

"I love you" I nuzzled his head with mine, happy tears streaming down my face,

"I love you too." After I said that he told me to sit down at the table. Törin plopped himself in-between my legs, causing me to blush.

"Were you really afraid I wouldn't ask you to prom?" He asked me. I nodded into his shoulder.

His friends surprisingly came around and gave him high fives. Even the team's running back Aaron came out as gay.
I never expected this many people like me here, I love it.
I thought to myself smiling. I had known I was gay since 2nd grade, but I never expected to end up here, for feeling accepted and being loved by someone else. I never expected so many people to be like me or close to it. I felt supported by people just being themselves.
I draped my arms over his shoulders and hugged him until lunch was over. The rest of the classes I had was with him so I held his hand for the remainder of the day. Törin pulled me over to his car, standing in between me he kissed me, a kiss of relief, passion, love, and a hint of lust.

**For those who like graphic scenes I'm sorry but I'm keeping it mostly PG, but there'll still be romance don't worry**

After a long make-out session, he drove me to his house and ushered me inside.

"Hey boys, how was school?" His mom asked, used to me coming over constantly.

"Amazing" I breathed, she and Törin chuckled.

"We're going to my room mom," He said.

"Have fun" his mom said, she knew we were a couple and was very supportive.
Törin ran to his room with me, shut and locked the door. I pushed him against the wall, surprising him by making the first move. He didn't care and kissed me back, both of us full of lust,

"I love you," he said between kisses. I picked him up by his thighs, forcing him to wrap his legs around me, and brought him to his bed, laying us both down his legs still around my waist.

"I love you too, and I'm lucky to have you in my life, I couldn't imagine it without you."

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