A Small Party

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Gavin's p.o.v

Our group of Alex, myself, Diamond and Tarra were walking down the hall after school ended.

"Y'all want to come over to my place tonight for a party?" Tarra asked.
My dad had stopped hitting me and was actually starting to be, well a dad so I'm sure he was okay with it. I still didn't trust him completely though.

"Yes" The three of us echoed. We stepped outside and leaned against the entrance. All of our eyes landed on Törin and Jamie making the fuck out by one of their cars.

"Welp, I would've invited them, but I bet you $20.00 after they leave they're gonna fuck." Tarra said trying to sound innocent. Everyone laughed their asses off.

"You're on," Alex said.

"How bout we go to my house?" Diamond suggested.

"Oh, that's actually a good idea, thanks babe." Diamond blushed.

"I'll text everyone the address, come a.s.a.p"

"Oh, I'd be happy to do that." I winked at Alex who turned away from me blushing. No, we hadn't done it yet, but that doesn't mean I can't joke about it, right?

"Get a room!" Tarra groaned.

"I could say the same!"

"Just fucking meet us at her house, bye bitch." She flipped her hair and walked off with Diamond in tow.

"Jesus, someone's triggered," Alex whispered.

"Want a ride?" I asked as my phone dinged with the address.

"Sure." He crutched over to my car and got in the passenger seat. My dad finally gave me the keys so I could drive a car instead of walking everyone. I already had my license and had been dying for this opportunity. As soon as I sat down, Alex grabbed my head and smashed his lips into mine very hungrily. God for some reason we haven't kissed in a couple days, it was shown in how aggressive we were kissing. He ran his tongue over my lower lip, and I gasped, he smiled against me before he utterly made out with me, and I let him. I swear to god the car was getting 100 degrees hotter. Suddenly, to my distaste, he pulled away as slow as a snail.

"We should go now." He smirked.

"I'm pissed at you now, you got me all hot and bothered and you couldn't even let me touch one bump of your rock-hard abs!" I ignored him the rest of the way to Diamond's house. Slamming the car door shut I trudged over to the house and slammed the door open. Alex crutch-ran and caught up to me, pinning me against the wall. I actually hissed in his face, but he was stronger than me and wasn't going to let go. He roughly grabbed my hand and shoved it under his shirt pressing my hand onto his amazing stomach. I gasped really loudly and blushed very hard.

"Is that what you wanted?" He whispered in a seductive tone. I nodded my head vigorously.

"Yes babe."
He caught my lips, once again in an oxygen-depriving kiss. I rubbed my hand over his abs and he growled in my mouth.

"Oh my god! No gay s*x in my house!" Diamond screeched. I unwillingly dropped my hand and disconnected our lips. Alex was blushing, I smirked.

"So what about you? Does that apply to you?" I snarkily replied. Tarra came next to her and looked very confused.

"It would be lesbian s*x, not ga-"

"Okay, let's go get some food." Tarra interrupted her cheeks a deep crimson. I rolled my eyes but followed them. They were having a whisper conversation.

"I knew it, they're a couple!" Diamond squealed.

"I already knew it, I caught them sucking face at the hospital."

"Hold up. What?!" Alex shouted. While Diamond was setting out the snacks, Tarra explained how she saw us through the glass when she went to visit one time. That's also where she met Diamond, for some odd reason.
I snatched an entire bag of Oreos and dashed off towards the theatre room. Alex soon joined me on a large beanbag, his arm slid under my neck and snuggled me into his side. We started eating Oreos when the girls came in.

"Awww" Tarra cooed so I flipped her off.

"Oh, feisty are we? Anyways what movie guys?"

"We could watch The KingsMan one or two? Eggsey is smoking!" Alex flicked me in the chest.


"Okay, sure, anyone else agree?" Everyone nodded their heads. Diamond turned on the t.v while Tarra turned off the lights. My shirt was riding up exposing my toned stomach, but before I could pull it down Alex put his hand right there sending a shiver up my spine. As the movie was getting ready, I looked over at the girls and noticed they were in a similar position, but their legs were also intertwined. Diamond had on a crop-top so it was easy access for Tarra.
Awww so cute! I thought. I picked up another Oreo and then focused on the movie, neither forgetting nor moving the hand on my skin. I fell asleep in the last five minutes of the movie, and Alex whispered "I love you" into my ear, I slept great that night.

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