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The first thing that Danny noticed when he drifted back into consciousness was the smell, or lack thereof. Instead of the sickening metallic smell of blood and vomit, it was the refreshing smell of artificial citrus. The second thing Danny noticed was the bed he was on. The Guys in White would rather let him go than give him a bed, let alone a soft, comfortable bed. This was how Danny came to the conclusion that he was no longer at one of the branches of the GIW. After coming to this realisation, Danny began to panic. What if someone else caught him? What would they do to him? Would they help him? Danny internally scoffed. Why would anyone help him? He didn't deserve help.

Danny's thoughts were cut short when the sound of footsteps could be heard nearby. Danny forced his breathing, which had become sporadic, to calm. He needed to assess the situation. Danny knew that he no longer had anything on his person that blocked his powers, but he was well out of practice. And physically, he was practically helpless. Years of torment and malnutrition tends to do that to a person. Danny needed to think of a way out.

Too late. He heard the footsteps approach his bed. Danny opted to feign sleep.

"I don't know man, it weird. The kid's heartbeat is too slow to be human." One voice said.

"That's because he isn't." Came another monotone voice, this one from a girl.

"Please, friend Raven, what is it you mean?" Another girl, though her voice was higher and full of emotion.

"I can't sense his emotions. No normal human could build a mental shield so strong." Raven, Danny assumed, said.

"There's no way we can know for sure until he wakes up. We'll just have to wait." Came a guy's voice that sounded oddly familiar. Why did he know that voice? Danny knew he had heard it before, but where?

   "-we're going to get you out of here... You're safe now..." Danny cried out, barely realising he had broken his facade. That voice... Danny clutched his head, pulling at his hair. It wasn't a dream. He was out. It wasn't a dream. Danny pulled harder, feeling some strands break.

"-down! You need to calm down!" It was the same voice, Danny realised. His eyes shot open, seeing five people surrounding him. Suddenly their colourful outfits were replaced with solid white, sunglasses covering their eyes. Danny crawled as far away from them as he could, hitting his head on the headboard. They were laughing at him, mocking him, each of them holding tools stained with Danny's blood. Not again. Please, not again.

"-ome room!" He heard that voice bark, causing him to flinch. "Hey, it's okay. You're safe now, remember?" He now said gently, obviously directing his voice towards Danny, slowly, while praying to anyone who would listen that this was real, Danny opened his eyes, revealing their toxic green shade. Danny blinked a few times, slowly clearing his vision. Now, there was only one person by the bed, the other four standing just outside a nearby door. Danny took in the boy in front of him. He was around his age, Danny assumed, with black hair. He wore a brightly coloured outfit, coloured with reds, greens, yellows, and blacks. A mask covering his eyes, but it was a white mask, not black sunglasses. The boy was staring at Danny with concern, which confused him. Why would he be concerned for him?

"You're okay now. You aren't there anymore. No one will hurt you." He stated calmly, and for some reason, his calm demeanour comforted Danny. While Danny didn't trust the brightly coloured boy, he found himself unable to distrust him either. "Can you tell me your name?" The boy asked, not moving any closer from his position a step from the side of the bed.

Danny hesitated. He hadn't spoke in, what, two years? That's what the agents said. They would constantly tell him how many days he had been there, saying that no one would ever come for him. Danny hated that. He hated how well it worked. With an inaudible gasp, Danny stopped that train of thought. He had been asked a question, he should answer it. Surely just saying his first name wouldn't disclose anything too important? Before he could change his mind, Danny spoke.

"D-Danny." He said, stuttering. It had been so long since he had spoken instead of screamed.

The brunette gave Danny a small, but kind smile. "Alright Danny, I'm Robin." He said. "And you are in the Medical Ward of Titan's Tower." Robin said, that small smile still gracing his features.

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