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   Robin stared curiously at the white haired teen in front of him. Currently, the Teen Titans (plus one) were gathered around the living room couch, staring at Danny in varying degrees of confusion and suspicion. Robin had made the executive decision to move them out of the Medic Ward when the wall Beast Boy crashed into started to cave in further. But of course, not before making sure Danny would be alright without being hooked up to the machines by his bed. To the boy wonder's surprise, he was.

   "Start explaining." He said curtly, not wanting to waste time. He watched as Danny took a deep, shuddering breath. Clearly preparing himself to explain.

   "Before...before I explain, can you guarantee that I...I won't go back...there." He stuttered out, visibly terrified. Robin had to clench his teeth in order to keep himself from growling. What the hell had that damn cooperation done to the poor boy? Robin wasn't stupid, he had seen the scars. Scars that were obviously years old. The very thought of it made Robin grit his teeth.

   "No. You are never going back there. That I can guarantee." Robin spoke, trying to keep the absolute hatred out of his voice. Danny visibly relaxed, shoulders releasing most of the tension. This caused Robin to mentally curse anyone who had hurt the teen sitting infront of him.

   "Well... I guess I should start with what that guy was, huh?" Danny rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, a nervous tick, Robin noted. "Well...um... There's no way to put this lightly, so I guess I should just say it..." He stammered, serving to irritate the already on edge Cyborg. When Danny didn't immediately continue, the irate half metal teen snapped.

   "Well?" he practically barked. Cyborg was still very suspicious of the younger teen. Even more so now, after that...interaction with his friend. His outburst caused Danny to jump, nearly letting out a decidedly unmanly squeal.

   "He was a..a ghost..." Danny muttered, waiting for the Titans to go back on their word, and send him back to the GIW. Closing his eyes, Danny waited for the blows to come, knowing how pointless it would be to fight back. Much to his surprise, however, they didn't come. Slowly, he opened his eyes, seeing the shocked faces of the Teen Titans.


   Robin was shocked, to put it mildly. Aliens, he could deal with, but ghosts? No way. They don't exist, right? He took a glance at his team, and was unsurpised by their reactions. Beast Boy was practically shaking with fear at the thought of a ghost in the Tower, Cyborg seemed to be as disbelieving as Robin, Raven was looking at Danny with far more interest than she normally would, and Starfire just seemed confused.

   "Dude, did you say g-ghost?" Beast Boy said, teeth chattering in fear. Robin had to resist the urge to face-palm. He heard Danny scoff in response to the young changeling's obvious fear.

   "Not all ghosts are Satan-worshipping baby-killers." Danny said, the sarcasm clear even to Starfire. The green shape-shifter opened his mouth, but quickly shut it, stepping back slightly in embarrassment. "Anyway, he was a ghost, but not too dangerous. More annoying than anything." Danny muttered, but still clearly heard by the group of teenagers. This came as a relief to Robin. He did not want to have to fight a freaking ghost. Especially unprepared.  Robin turned back to the teen, waiting for him to continue his explanation. When he didn't, Robin decided to start questioning him. Unfortunately, Cyborg beat him to it.

   "Wait. Phantom? So, what, are you a ghost too or something?" Cyborg asked, still clearly skeptical about the idea of 'ghosts' in the first place. Robin looked at Danny, waiting for his answer. Both Titans were surprised when the boy snorted in amusement.

"Or something..." Danny trailed off, peaking Robin's curiosity further.

"What is it that you mean, Friend Danny?" came Starfire's voice from behind Robin. Her head was cocked to the side in a confused manner. In all likelihood, the young alien princess didn't understand half of the conversation. The corners of Danny's mouth actually quirked up slightly, the closest he had come to a smile in (quite literally) years.

"I'm not a ghost, but I'm not fully human, either." He said slowly, still very hesitant. Though, Robin thought, he had every right to be wary. He was only released from that foul cell a few weeks ago. It was a miracle he was telling them anything at all.

   "If you're not a ghost, but not completely human, then what are you?" Came the monotone voice of Raven, the first words she had spoken since the Medic Ward. After a few moments of tense silence, Danny finally opened his mouth to speak.

   "My name is Danny Phantom, and I'm half ghost."

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