Split Personalities

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"Tch. And here I thought you were smart." Danny scoffed. "What the hell are you doing here, anyway? This isn't your fucking head." Both Titans were taken aback by the half ghost that had practically growled at them. He seemed so much more aggressive than the Danny they remembered. Not to mention his vulgar choice of words were unusual for him.

"Danny, what's-" But Robin cut himself off. Danny had leveled him with a glare, revealing red eyes. Robin felt his breath hitch. It was too late. Almost immediately, he shot over to Danny, staff raised to attack. As Robin brought the weapon down, Danny jumped away.

"What the fuck!?" The halfa yelled, fists now glowing brightly. Only now, like his eyes, they shone deep red. Robin leapt after the other boy, blocking out the surrounding world. All he saw was Danny. Danny, who he'd fought so many agents for. Danny, who had been taken under his watch. Danny, who was moving farther away? Robin looked down, seeing that he was encompassed by a familiar black magic.

"Robin!" Raven shouted, irritation obvious in her voice. Said boy wonder turned back to the sorceress, about to demand freedom, but she spoke before he could. "Honestly, you boys are all the same. Did you even bother to look at him?" She practically growled. Robin felt a wave of fear course through his body. "Robin, think. What was the first thing Danny did in the Ghost Zone?" Realization dawned on Robin quickly.

"I'll say again; what the fuck?" Danny exclaimed. "Why the hell did Robin attack me?!" Robin, after being released by Raven, turned to the other boy, now noticing how his eyes were a deeper maroon shade, as opposed to the fiery eyes that was Alpan's control. And, upon seeing this, Robin finally figured it out.

"Raven! Didn't Cyborg and Beast Boy say that different aspects of your personality materialized when they were in your mind?" Robin knew he was right when Raven nodded her head.

"Hello? I'm right here, y'know." Danny grumbled, causing both Titans to look at him. "Tch. The big boss is out of commission, so we can run wild. I'll give you three guesses as to who I am." He answered, sarcasm heavy in his voice.

"Anger." Raven answered. Danny snorted in response.

"At least one of you has a brain."

"Where do we need to go?" Robin asked, purposely ignoring the insult. "To find the real Danny, I mean."

"And why would I tell you that?" The halfa raised an eyebrow. Robin was taken aback by the response. Why wouldn't he want them to save Danny? Wasn't he a part of Danny? "Like I said; I'm free. Why the hell would I want that whiny bastard back?"

"You shouldn't talk about him like that." Came a quiet, somber voice from behind them. Both Titans, once again, whipped around to meet the possible foe. Instead, they were met with a very meek looking Danny, cloudy gray eyes cast downward. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt..."

"It's fine." Robin said automatically.

"Shut up," Anger, as Robin decided to refer to him as, snapped, "just because the boss lets you out more often than the rest of us-"

"What are you talking about?" Raven cut him off. "I thought you said he's kept you locked away?"

"Not quite. He kept most of us locked up. Bastard practically threw away the key." He seemed to be seething at this point; something neither of the two had witnessed in the real Danny. "But the boss kept this weak little fucker around! Along with so much damn angst!" The angry Danny bellowed, eyes glowing lowly. With every word, Robin noticed the other Danny flinched, almost as if he was being hit.

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