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   "Robin, you and the Titans get behind me. And cover your ears." Robin didn't bother arguing, knowing it would be no use. That didn't keep the worry, the fear, at bay. He quickly called the Titans over, hating the burns they were all sporting. He relayed Danny's orders, fear swelling further in his chest. What did he plan to do?

   His question was soon answered by a grotesque wailing. Despite the fact that Robin had covered his ears, he could feel his eardrums vibrating.

   But no amount of physical pain could compare to the sound of the wail itself. Anguish, fear, but above all else was the sheer pain. Robin felt his chest swell in empathy, his eyes watering slightly despite himself.

   Then, almost as soon as the gut wrenching, painful wailing had begun, it ended.

   It took several moments for any of the Titans to realize it had ended, the ringing in their ears far too loud. Robin was the first to recover. He cast a brief glance to his team, ensuring their wellbeing. Starfire and Raven both seemed alright, though the former had tears falling from her large, sympathetic eyes. A single tear had managed to make its way down Raven's pale face, but she didn't bother to wipe it away, empathetic abilities clearly having taken over her for the moment. Cyborg and Beast Boy, however, didn't seem quite as alright. Cyborg's mechanical half was sparking, but he seemed to have ignored his own machinery in favor of staring almost blankly at nothing. Beast Boy was a blubbering mess. Fat tears poured from his eyes as he failed to hold back sobs behind his green hand. Upon another moment of observation, Robin noticed dots of blood coming from the shape shifter's ears, but he was otherwise physically alright.

   The ringing in Robin's ears had ceased, though a headache was well on its way behind his temples. He ignored that, however, hearing a heavy panting coming from several feet in front of him. The boy wonder was on his feet and running before he even truly recognized the sound.


   He barely realized that the others followed him. All that mattered was that Danny was now collapsed to his knees, seeming to barely be conscious.

   "Danny!" He and the other Titans shouted, fear coloring each of their voices as the boy fully collapsed. Starfire, in a bust of unknown energy was the one to catch the halfa, more tears slipping down her face. The other Titans gathered around the half conscious boy, shocked into silence by the sight of him.

   "Danny..." Robin trailed off, the only one able to speak through the horror. Aside from his obvious exhaustion, Danny suffered from severe looking burns, one engulfing the entirety of the forearm Alpan had held so cruelly. Danny's own ice covered the wound, masking the almost bubbling skin.

   "I got her..." He choked out, his consciousness fading quickly.

   "Danny!" The Titans cried again, Starfire and Beast Boy near frantically trying to wake him. That was when Robin noticed.

   The ice that covered his arm was melting. Danny's ice didn't melt, as he'd discovered when he had cleaned the training equipment several months previous.

   "We have to get him to Medical. Now," Robin ordered, hoping he managed to hide at least some of the panic that he felt. "Cyborg, I need you to guard Alpan. I doubt she will wake soon, but we need to be cautious. Starfire, go help the Justice League, then bring them to Cyborg to detain Alpan."

   As Raven created a platform for the four of them to travel back to the tower, Robin's mind stubbornly remained on one thing; when Danny had explained  his ice powers (though Robin was well aware that what he was told was just the bare bones of what strength Danny truly held.) One line from their conversation rose above the rest.

  "If I were to infuse enough ecto-energy, my ice could last years. That is, at least, unless I were to fully die."


   "Robin!" Starfire shouted, quickly flying into the Medical Ward where the boy wonder sat. Robin quickly stood, facing her.

   "Starfire! Where's the League?" He asked, a fear only she could detect coloring his voice.

   "The League of Justice has left. Cyborg has contacted us saying that he carries more information," Starfire answered, hesitating a moment before she continued. "What is Danny's condition?" Robin shook his head, sending a sorrowful glance at the unconscious halfa that occupied the bed.

   "As expected. It seems that he used the last of his energy in that final attack; the stress of it was too great on his body, even in his ghostly form," Robin's voice hitched uncharacteristically, pain evident in his next words. "I don't know if he will wake up."

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