Chapter 11.

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Soon enough summer had ended and autumn had arrived and with it brought all knew drama and chaos. Since the night of ice cream with Brooklyn things could have gone better, Rosie saw Brooklyn's bruised knuckles and suddenly became Florence Nightingale.

It was like she had a different personality after that night and no one can work out how or why.

She stopped not talking to Brooklyn the moment she saw him the Monday morning running to his side worried about his hand, Ebony and Faith even thought it was strange. Faith had told how she had spent the night crying over Brooklyn and cursing about me before suddenly waking up like nothing had happened.

No more having to keep them away from each other for the safety of other, now it had gone back to Rosie being stuck to his side.

Although now she put up with me.

We weren't best friends, nowhere near. She started glaring at me less, although from time to time when Brooklyn was talking to me or one of the girls was making plans with me I would find a slight scowl on her face before she sends a tight smile my way.

It pained her to do it.

Although it was nice to know have to worry about any more attempts at my life.

No more attempts had been taken on Brooklyn's safety, not even a clue to be found. Charlie was starting to worry if they had moved onto someone else, even with the noise I heard outside mine and Brooklyn's window didn't matter, after all, we did have foxes.

I didn't know if Brooklyn did have his chat with Rosie like he said he was going to, but by the way, things were slowly going back to normal between the two I would say not.

Maddie had slowly let go of the idea of me and Brooklyn when she saw the couple back together, walking hand and hand down the hallway, not to mention the whole families shock when I came home telling them I had been invited to a girlie shopping trip by Rosie.

I had been on high alert throughout the whole shopping trip waiting for her to finally go back to her old self and push me in front of a car or come at me with the sharp end of a pair of shoes.

But nope, the shopping trip was even quite nice, she even bought me lunch...

So here we are halfway through October the halloween carnival making its fast approach, the student council was all taking on job's, it was Monday morning in student council I got to find out just how far this carnival really took things.

I was noting down everything I had left to do, most of it just revolving around the night itself, from helping set up and then again when it was time to close down. That was when I heard it, Ebony talking about what the group should dress up as this year.

"I was thinking superheroe's would be pretty cool." She suggests and the boys all nod their head in agreement, Noah going as far to shout out how much he wants to be batman.

"I was thinking princesses and their princes." Rosie suggests linking her arm with Brooklyn.

"I don't really feel like dressing up as a prince." Dustin shakes his head at the thought and the other boys all agree.

"We have to dress up?" I ask.

"Of course most people from the school and parents all dress up the only people who don't dress up are people from out of town and passing through." Faith tells me.

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