Falling For My Teacher: Chapter 6

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McKenzie's POV

Everyone walks out the class at the signal of the bell. Jake and I depart heading to our next classes. And that's when I remembered. Mr.Grayson. I hadn't thought about him all morning and I completely forgot I had his class.

"I wonder how this is gonna turn out?"

Walking into the classroom, I'm greeted by everyone crowded around his desk bombarding him with questions. I couldn't help but laugh to myself at his uncomfortable looking face. I can already tell what type of questions they're asking. The bell goes off and everyone takes their seats as class starts. He gets up from his desk and begins handing out books to everyone. When he got to my seat, he didn't even so much as glance at me. 'This shouldn't bother me' I thought to myself.


The rest of the class period went on with him avoiding his gaze from me. Not talking to me unless it was necessary, which was never. I would be lying if I said there wasn't some sort of feeling, making my stomach churn. The bell rings and I shake the thought out my head, walking to the door getting ready to head to my next class. But I'm stopped by a deep voice that has become very familiar to me.

"Johnson, don't forget you have detention."

I completely forgot about that! And why the hell do I actually feel kind of relieved?"


I say a little to quickly for my liking. He goes back to his seat and sits down.

"Where should I sit?"

"Anywhere is fine."

He says, not taking his eyes off the book he had picked up and started to read when class was over. His body language showed no interest what so ever. This was different then the first time that I had detention with him. Should I be relieved or not? I have no clue.

I mean I did confront him and all that crap yesterday but woah. He's the total opposite of his normal self. I take a seat where I sat last time I was in detention, checking if I get a response or anything. He does nothing but continue to read his book. There is total silence, but I decide to break it.

"U-um do you have any work for me to do?"

"No, do whatever you please. As long as your not leaving this room."

He continuously has his gaze fixed on the book in front of him. I steal a few glances at him while sitting and doing nothing. His brows furrowed as he puts all his focus into the books, fixing his reading glasses every time they slightly slip down. He looks even better with them on. I quickly shake the thought out of my head as I continue to sit there and do absolutely,



I've been sitting here for about twenty minutes and he still hasn't said anything. Something in me wants to ask what the hell is his problem but the other part is telling me to keep my mouth shut and be quiet.

Lunch is only thirty minutes long so I have about ten minutes left in detention. I've never been so bored in my life. Is he really gonna sit here and say nothing? With that thought, I finally muster up the courage to say something.


"Do you need something Miss Johnson?"

He doesn't look up from the book in his hands as he replies.

"Um are you alright?"


These short replies are really pissing me off. 'Ugh, what's wrong with me' I think to myself. Why should I care if he doesn't want to talk? I call his name again unintentionally.

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