Falling For My Teacher: Chapter 10

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McKenzie's POV

After we went to the bathroom and washed off our faces, we met back in the hall and made our way back to class. All Mr.Reed did was scold us saying 'you sir and ma'am are banned from working on any experiments for the next two weeks' and all that other bull.

But I don't get why I'm in trouble. Jake was the one that made it look like somebody threw paprika all over the damn place, not me. But I didn't mind, like I've mentioned before. I'm not to fond of science. I don't have anything against people who do like it but it's just not my cup of tea. So all I had to do was pretend what he said affected me.

Jake spent the rest of class complaining and groaning in irritation. He didn't like the idea of not being able to do experiments one bit. I mean, it was a sight to behold the first few dissatisfied groans but it lasted all period. Now, this guy just needs help. But he's fun to be around which is why I suck it up. Well and because he's my best friend so I love him.

I can't wait to meet the guy who's going to have to put up with this boy when he gets married. Hell, even when he gets a boyfriend. They are gonna need a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot of patience. Now that is something worth the wait. I laugh at the thought, wondering how my mind managed to wander to that topic. The bell rings loudly throughout the school, giving me no more time to think.

"B-but Kenzie! Its just not fair."

He cries out to me. I sware this dude is gonna make me yank all my hair out. How is he still going on about this?!

"It's gonna be ok Jakey, calm down."

"Don't call me that!"

He says with a scold and folds his arms over his broad chest. He can be childish at times when he wants too and it's hard to change him back when he gets like this. I then see Mr.Grayson walking towards us from the corner of my eye. You have no idea how glad I was to get away from my best friend right now.

All the nervousness I had from before had vanished because of Jake, riding home with him being the least of my worries. Without thinking, I rush over to Kyle and tug on his arm like a kid begging for something.

"C'mon c'mon we have to leave. Get him away from me!"

I whisper yell, pointing at my best friend who still had his arms crossed over his chest. Mr.Grayson laughs a bit before replying.

"Well somebody's eager to see me."

He says with a wink. I instantly pull away as I feel the heat gently creeping up my cheeks after realizing what I did. He ignores my actions and instead continues talking.

"Now, what's all this about?"

He says motioning his finger to Jake and I with a curious eyebrow raised. I quickly start talking.

"Well this nimrod over here didn't follow directions and got us expelled from doing any experiments in science for the next two weeks."

"Hey! You're the one who left me in charge. You didn't even care to help!"

Jake quickly retorts with a frown.

"Shut up bubble butt!"

"I do not!"

He turns a around and looks at his butt before shaking it in front of me.


"Get your ass away from me!"

Before I know it we both were chasing each other back and forth down the hall, giggling our heads off, totally ignoring all the weird stares we were getting from people. Mr.Grayson was desperately trying to get us to stop running around, attempting to get ahold of us before another administrator did.

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