Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Charlie’s POV

“These drug packages, they’re from James’s sister?” Louise asked as she examines the drug packages

I nodded “my friend told me that it fell from one of Jasmine’s books”

“Are you sure about this Charlie?” Aunt Cath asked me “Spencer could have made this up to get Jasmine in trouble at school”

“I’m sure aunt Cath and besides, Spencer would never lie to me and she has no reason to make Jasmine look bad” I answered “Spencer is a good friend to me and to Jasmine. In fact, when she gave this to me, she said she was getting worried”

Aunt Cath sighed as she nodded slowly while Louise took the drug packages and placed in an evidence bag

“Okay then, I trust your statement” Louise spoke “I’m gonna have my team dust this for fingerprints, we’ll be sure to contact you when we find James’s fingerprints on it”


Elise’s POV

Even though it’s such a lovely afternoon today, I can’t help but feel depressed. Knowing that I’m pregnant, it felt like a whole new set of weights has been placed on my shoulders and I still don’t know what Charlie thinks about all of this

Charlie’s face when I told her that I’m pregnant, it was unreadable. The truth is, I would be relieved even if I saw Charlie angry or sad, just any kind of emotion, but she didn’t show me any and this uncertainty scares the hell of out of me

I was sitting at the back porch, staring at my mom’s mini garden. I was quiet, deep in thought, thinking about everything I could possibly think of but at the same time, avoiding the thought of what to say when Charlie finally comes home from the police station


Charlie’s POV

“Um, aunt Cath, can you go ahead, I’m gonna head back to school and catch up with my afternoon classes”

“Okay then, take care okay?” Aunt Cath answered

I nodded and waited until Aunt Cath left the police station. After she left, instead of going back to school, I went to the local park. I needed to think about everything

When I arrived at the park, I quickly searched for a quiet place to hang out and just think. I found a bench near a tall tree, so I laid there and stared at the clouds

Elise is pregnant and our relationship will never be the same again. A baby just complicates things so much, I don’t even know if she’s gonna keep it or give it up for adoption. And what if she does keep the baby? She’ll have more responsibilities and will have less time to spend with me, that is, if she still wants to be with me. What about me? Do I still want to continue this relationship? I’m just a teenager, I don’t even know if I want to raise kids of my own let alone help raise Elise’s baby, which I will eventually do if we decided to be together and even if I decide to do that, will I be responsible enough?

A break-up is definitely the worst option right now, Elise needs me and I love her too much to just leave her like that. There are just so many paths our situation could go through and it’s just so overwhelming!

“Damn it!!” I shouted and stood “I don’t know what to do?!?”

I sat back down and covered my face with my palms, “What should I do…?”

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