Chapter Thirty-One

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Charlie’s POV

Only 2 weeks to go before graduation and I’m so freaking excited, I can’t wait to graduate!

So today is a day of importance, because today is the day that our batch is going to find out the final class standing and who’s the top three honor students. I’m a little nervous but I’m kinda expecting my name to be on that list, since I’ve always been on that list, but I think my rank got lower.

Our teacher finally entered the classroom with the list of honor students in her hand

“Okay, everybody sit down so I could tell you guys who’s who on the honor’s list!” Ms. Rose said cheerfully and all of us went to our assigned sits

“I must say, most of you did a great job but there are some of you that I and the other teaches never expected will have that kind of results” she continued “okay then, I’ll start from the bottom going from the top”

Ms. Rose, like she said, started saying the names of the honors starting from the bottom going to the top and all of us held our breath and listened carefully to the names mentioned, with each name said, we all clapped as a sign of congratulations

Ms. Rose is continued to say the names in the list of honors until she reached the salutatorian slot, which has been me since the start of senior year so I was expecting it to be me again…so I wasn’t expecting this

“Salutatorian: Mitchell Rosenberg” Ms. Rose spoke, my classmates clapped but they also showed confusion

Why wasn’t my name mentioned when I had always been on the honors list since I entered high school

Ms. Rose said the name of our valedictorian and it wasn’t me.

“Congratulations to all the honors” Ms. Rose spoke then clapped, “I’ll be dismissing you all early today, the teachers have a meeting so you may now all go home”

My classmates excitedly packed their bags and quickly left the room while I just sat there for a bit, still thinking about that honor’s list

Why wasn’t I included?

“What happened Charlie?” Spencer asked as soon as she sat next to me, “why aren’t you included?”

“I don’t know either”

“….What about your scholarship to St. Xavier?”

The scholarship! I need to be on the honor’s list to apply for the honor scholarship at St. Xavier! shit!...okay, just don’t panic, I still have that soccer scholarship

‘I-it’s cool Spencer…I can still apply for a soccer scholarship, I just have to have a passing grade on all my subjects then I’ll have that scholarship in no time!“ I assured Spencer with a smile, but the thing is, that soccer scholarship, I’m not sure if I can get that

Spencer nodded and smiled as well

“Charlie” Ms. Rose spoke as she approached us, “could you stay behind for a bit, I have something to discuss with you”

I nodded

“Okay then I’ll be going now, I’ll wait for you by the gate” Spencer spoke then left the room so that Ms. Rose and I could talk

Once Spencer was gone, Ms. Rose sat next to me

“I know it came as a shock to you that your name was not on the honors list” she started

“Yes miss definitely, but why? Did I have a low grade at one of my subjects?”

Ms. Rose sighed, “You didn’t get a low grade Charlie, you….have a failing grade on two of your subjects and because of that you may not graduate”

Taking ChancesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя