Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Charlie’s POV

“What the hell were you thinking Charlie?!” mom scolded furiously as she paced around the living room

I know mom was worried and angry so I just sat and let her scold me to get her frustrations out while I was treating the cut on my cheek

“Why on earth would you do this sort of thing?!” mom yelled “You can’t just go all “vigilante” on this kind of situation, that man could have easily beaten you to death!”

“Mom, you’re exaggerating” I commented

“Am I?” she countered “Do you see yourself? You have bruises all over you, a bloody cut on your cheek and wounded fingers!”

“I’m fine mom, I’m still standing. I won that fight”

“You won that fight now. And what if James decided to get even?” Mom sighed and sat down “You have to think about these things before you do anything dangerous, you got lucky now but luck isn’t always on your side, remember that”

Mom then looked at me, “You’re grounded for 4 weeks”

“4 weeks? But mom, that’s too long! How will I know the improvements of the case?”

“You won’t. We all have decided to not tell you anymore information about the case” she replied “And you are not allowed to see Elise until all of this is over”

“Now you’re getting between me and Elise?! You can’t do that!” I reacted angrily

“Yes I can! When it involves your safety, yes I’m intervening!” mom sighed with frustration “I know you did this because you want to help Elise but Charlie, c’mon! We’ve done everything we can to help, and we’re still helping right now, isn’t that enough?”

I sighed heavily and stood, “I’m sorry” then I headed to my room, I need to get outta here before we both say something we’re gonna regret later


I laid in bed, just staring at the ceiling. My head kinda hurts and I have this big bandage on my cheek and my right hand are covered with bandages as well, I look like an anime character or something

A few minutes later, I heard my door open, I looked and saw mom enter. She then sat next to me

“Charlie…” mom spoke

“I know what you’re gonna say mom, and I won’t sneak out, I promise but do you have to keep me separated from Elise?” I asked

“It’s not healthy for you to always be around Elise, especially while this case is going on. You’re only 16 Charlie, you’re supposed to be enjoying yourself, not stressing yourself out because of somebody else’s problem

“Elise is not a “somebody”, she’s my girlfriend. I love her and I need to be with her, especially now. She needs support mom, and I’m not going to let her down”

Mom then placed her hand on my shoulder, “Your world doesn’t revolve around Elise Charlie, even if she is your girlfriend” she said “Elise is a part of your life now but she isn’t always going to be”

“I know that and that’s what I’m afraid of” I spoke “I just want all of this to be over so we can be happy again, so if the time comes that things between us fall apart, I’ll have all these wonderful memories of us together to cherish”

Mom turned to me “I understand where you’re coming from but I can’t let this pass. You’re still grounded for 4 weeks and you still can’t see Elise”

Taking ChancesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ