Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

Charlie’s POV

I finished taking the special exam two days ago, and I passed but sadly, I’m not on the honor’s list anymore. On the bright side though, I’m definitely graduating, Today’s the last day of practice and the day after tomorrow is the big day, graduation day, I’m so freaking excited!

“Charlie, Have you and Elise talked lately?” mom asked suddenly during lunch

“Um, no, we text, but she said she’s taking care of some things so we haven’t had time to talk to each other these days, why?”

Mom sighed, “I’ve got good news by the way” mom said, suddenly changing the subject

“Really? what about?” I responded, letting the previous conversation pass

“I got promoted to a higher office” mom smiled, but still, something feels off

“That’s great mom! Congratulations!”

“That’s not all Charlie”

“There’s more? Did your boss give you a car too?” I joked

“Well, the thing is, that in the business’s other branch, in Canada and since I’ve already accepted it, we’ll be moving there after your graduation”

“What? You’re not serious”

“I am” mom answered “so I want you to take care of everything that is needed to be taken care of before we leave”

I stared at my mom, waiting for her to say, “I’m kidding!” or “just joking honey!”, but she just continued eating without a single hint of withdraw

“I’m not leaving” I said “I’m not leaving Elise”

Mom sighed and turned to me, “I know this is sudden Charlie, and I know that you’re gonna reason out by saying that you’re all grown-up and you can take care of yourself or that you’re going to be in college and you need some independence” mom continued “But your father already passed away, in this family, we only have each other. Do we really need to separate and be in different countries just because you don’t want to leave Elise?”

I sat there, staring at my mom, speechless. My dad died when I was still little, and it was hard, although relatives helped, in the end it was still up to my mom to make me feel that this family can still be happy despite the absence of an important person. My mom managed to make it through. We manage to make it through all these years.

I closed my eyes as tears filled my eyes, “…I’m…going to talk to Elise later…”


Elise’ POV

I got a text from Charlie, it said, “can I talk to you, it’s really important”

I haven’t talked to Charlie these days. I’ve purposely did that to avoid what will eventually happen in near future. I know that the right thing for me to do is to let her go but my heart is telling me to be selfish, to just hold on and never let go but I think that would be one of the stupidest decision I would make

“Yes sure, come over later” I replied to Charlie’s text

…It’s time I tell her.

Later that day, Charlie went to our house. The moment I opened the door and saw her, my chest instantly became heavier but despite that I smiled for her

“Hey!” I greeted and gave her a kiss

Charlie smiled and kissed back then came in, “sorry about barging in so sudden, I know you’re busy and all” she said “I missed you Elise”

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