Vampire Guardian: Chapter 9.

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Chapter 9.

Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons

Do serial killers plan on how to kill their prey? Do they wait and waste time or do they do it suddenly to get it over with? How do you know if someone is a serial killer? What type of weapons do they use?

Am I in danger?

I stare up at the ceiling. It's morning and I couldn't sleep at night. Peter was on my mind. Did I make a mistake to invite him to my house and stay with me? How about if he wants to kill me? But he seems normal just a bit grumpy that's all.

I brush my dark hair that's over my face off me. I have a blank stare however my thoughts are racing. Maybe I shouldn't see Peter. Maybe it'll be better for the both of us. He doesn't really have a family and seems unsure on what to do in life. He says that he lives in an apartment complex close by when I asked.

On the other hand he's a gentleman from paying for breakfast, driving me and making sure I was okay in the hospital. He's truly handsome with his curly black hair and light eyes. His lips are a pale pink but so full. He has a slight trimmed beard that has been growing for a couple of days.

His smile makes me feel warm inside when he isn't all serious. So what if he isn't a killer and I'm overthinking it? What if he's a normal twenty-two year old that by accidentally bumped into me at the party after ringing up his clothes earlier? Maybe he just wants to get to know me.

I sit up from laying and I rub my tired eyes. I decided to miss class today from all the stuff that happened this weekend. Also Monday's suck. I know I shouldn't miss class because I haven't this whole year but I wasn't feeling well.

My phone has been ringing non-stop receiving messages from Karley to my dad. Now he cares. He called me various of times but I wanted to sleep in and not answer. He can wait.

Karley messages me if she can come over and see me. I respond 'yes' before yawning and going into the bathroom. I stare at my reflection and observed the black bags under my eyes. I take a pill the doctor prescribed for me because I have a raging headache. I run my temples before doing my business in the bathroom.


Karley sits on the couch while drinking coffee out of the mug I hand her. I sit besides her, wrapping the blanket around my body.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch yesterday at the hospital." I start after having an awkward silence between us since she walked through the door. Karley drinks before placing the mug on her lap.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You know Peter... he was aggressive to the nurses."

"What do you mean?" I furrow my eyebrows and she sighs.

"He was shouting at them to see you but they weren't letting anybody go in your room. He was so determined to see you as if he knew you for years."

"That's weird."

"You think?" We giggle before drinking our coffee.

"He's really nice though. He paid for my breakfast yesterday and hung out with me for a couple of hours. Peter is very gentle with me and it makes me happy." Karley's mouth parts into a curious smile.

"You like him!" She squeals and I feel my cheeks grow hot.

"I just met him. I can't say that I like him yet."


"Okay but he is hot. He's tall and has beautiful hair that you can just run your fingers through them and ugh!" I lean my head back as we both start to crack up. "His eyes aren't one simple color. They're multiple and beautiful in the light although he seems like he doesn't like the sun."

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