Vampire Guardian: Chapter 34.

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Chapter 34.

Mistakes Like This - Prelow

I quickly sit up once I realize I'm not in the middle of the road on the verge of death. Right? I'm trying to remember but everything is a blur. Peter is right, this is what vampire blood does to you.

Peter is sitting by my legs, his arms clasped over them. I feel a massive amount of hunger hit me and when I hear someone coming in from the kitchen I grow alarmed. However, it's just Tracey.

"I knew you'd wake up hungry. I brought a salad with chicken." She hands me a plastic container that held the food.

"Oh wow, thanks." I say, opening it and grabbing the fork that was inside it. Peter turns to me and grins.

"Are you okay? What happened to the car?" Tracey sits on the table and crosses her legs.

"Peter and I pushed it out of the road. It's still there." She answers for me and I nod my head. God, it feels like the time Peter and I ate at the diner after the hospital. I have the munchies from his blood.

"What about our flight?" I ask, alarmed that we missed it. Great... I missed classes too.

"We are flying out tonight. I had to board new ones since all of this happened."

"Did a deer or someone hit us?" I can't stop asking questions. I look at both of them but I get nothing in response except a shake of Tracey's head.

"It was the vampire at the Bar. He must be part of Roman's nest. I knew that dick would have someone follow us." Peter growls in anger.

"How large is his nest?" He shrugs and starts to make an estimate.

"I don't know, a dozen or so. I don't know everybody that's the problem. Once I was gone from the nest, that was it. Once I killed half of his Nest sixteen years ago, that was it. Don't know who else he turned or took in."

"Be cautious, Peter." Tracey says and he runs his fingers through his hair.

"I'm trying, T. It's not that easy when they are creeping around and now got us exposed to the court. It's over."

"Dean may be lenient."

"I doubt it." He snaps back, looking down in defeat. "Anyways, we should grab our stuff and put it in your car. We should leave and not waste time here. Who the hell knows if there's one stalking as we speak." Peter add before standing. I nod my head, shoving my face into my salad in a rush.

I need more food!


Once we made it back to New York, I received numerous amounts of phone calls from Karley. Messages from Brad and other calls. I had my phone turned off during our flight back and once I saw all of these, I grew alarmed.

Collin came to pick us up from the airport and rushed us to the car. He wasn't happy or static like always. He was terrified and anxious.

"Where is Karley!" Peter screams while Collin drives off the passenger pick-up lane.

"They took her god dammit! The twats from Roman's Nest got her!" He rages, swerving from lane to lane, cutting cars left and right.

"Tell me you're joking." I cry in fear, clenching onto the passenger seat from the back. My body is leaned up so I am closer to them. Maybe I should put a seatbelt on because of the last incident.

"I'm not Scarlet. I'm not and I don't know if she's still alive."

"Collin, her dad is a sheriff! If she's gone, that's it the entire fucking town is going on lockdown." Peter punches the glove compartment in anger. No way this can be happening. Each day something goes wrong and we can never get a break. These vampires are really on us.

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