Vampire Guardian: Chapter 16.

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Peter weakly stands from sitting on the couch. Collin watches him as he slips on his shoes.

"No, no, no," Collin uses his quick speed to stop Peter from opening the door. "You are not going to see Scarlet." Peter stares at him with his sick eyes.

"Move Collin she asked me to see her so I am." Collin presses his hand against his chest and pushes Peter back.

"You're sick. It's like a flu for humans. You can't even go out to prey on blood. You will go nuts around her."

"I don't have the crave to feed on her." Peter lies and Collin laughs in his face.

"Are you serious? Listen mate, you're a vampire. You prey before attacking. You've been watching Scarlet since she was a child. She is yours you will always have that feeling in the pit of your stomach to taste her blood. You have that bond that you will care for her as much as your humanity holds but deep down you're a killer. Vampires don't make human friends. We hunt them."

Peter listens to Collin's words while his nails grow. He runs his tongue along his fangs before growling.

"Stop Collin I won't. Let me go." He insists and Collin stares at him before sighing.

"Fine go ahead. I can't stop you." He steps aside and let's Peter go. Peter leaves rethinking about what Collin said.


When I first saw Peter when we met Downport I was terrified. He had a distasteful look in his eyes. He was paler than he usually was and seemed exhausted. There's black bags under his eyes and his lips are weirdly darker than they usually appear.

As we walked he kept his distance away from me. I thought it was me but I showered and I looked decent. We stopped at the docks and I leaned against the long metal railing.

"Are you sure you're alright? You seem a bit off." I ask him looking at his fragile figure.

"I'm okay. Just haven't eaten that's all." His voice has a dark tone and leaves shivers down my spine.

"Want to stop by at the diner?" I suggest and he wrinkles his nose in disgust.

"Not my appetite."

"Ugh okay. Wanna go get pizza?" I watch him creep up behind me and place his hand against mine that's resting on the railing. His tall body is towering over mine and I stay quiet. The salt air is blowing towards us and the waves are crashing below the dock.

"I don't eat pizza." He whispers in my ear and I stare ahead of the Port. No one is around us because it's late at night and there's no more hours for the Ferry.

I feel his fingers move my hair to the side and behind my shoulder. His fingers are cold when they graze my skin. Peter leans down and kisses my neck.

My knees feel weak not because he is kissing me however we weren't in a relationship. Yeah, that doesn't mean anything but I don't want him to take an advantage of me.

My skin tingles when his breath hits it because he's breathing rather heavy. Like he's going to pass out or something. He kisses me again but grazes his tongue over my skin and brings it between his teeth.

He grips my hips tightly and I pull away from his tension. I step aside and he grabs the railing for support because his body is weak right now.

"I'm sorry I just- I need to go." My voice is small but I try my hardest to not sound stupid. I walk past him and towards the exit of the dock.

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