Chapter 3

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"Is that a way to greet your mother, Serilda ?" she said with a tone of harshness but voice low enough not to gain anyone else's attention. I would have loved if she would have shouted or yelled at me, at least then I would have known that I had pissed her off enough. Moreover, I would have enjoyed insulting and humiliating her. She ran in the same circles where I was seen as the devil or a bitch but she never said anything to stop the rumors. They would call me names and she would say what a bad luck she has had with me. Sometimes it shocked me to know that she was the same woman who had given birth to me. I would have welcomed the knowledge that she wasn't my mother with extreme happiness.

"Are you my mother, Amelia? Because the last time I saw you, you were busy making fun of me and my pathetic life and how shameful it is to have a daughter like me. I remember the sympathetic eyes and words of your friends. That is not what mothers do or am I mistaken somewhere." Her eyes fumed with anger than guilt lurking in them. Her smile vanished into thin air.

"I don't know what you are talking about and show me some respect Serilda, I'm definitely your mother. I hope you remember what you promised me years back." And her favorite dialogue never seems to surprise me. How could she have the audacity to still say those words? I hope you remember what you promised me years back. She had left nothing to say this to me. Closing the gap between us, I stood in her personal space and stared right into her eyes.

"Don't you remember what you said Amelia? Or do I need to refresh your memory of how you and dad begged me to step in her shoes knowing that after that my life will never be the same? How just to save yourselves you pushed me into the pit of hell and never dared or cared to look back and see how I was doing? You begged me if I did what you asked for you will never ask me for anything ever again. So stuck to that fucking promise before asking anything from me." I could feel some stares towards us but I didn't pay any heed to them. I couldn't. She has done this to me. It was who has pushed me into being this vile and cruel person. She and her pretty family have sown the seed of me turning me into like this. I had given up my everything for them and I can never forget that. I was reminded day after day what I had lost, what I had sacrificed what I had suffered. She herself has played a big part in destroying me and hence she can never expect anything from me besides my hatred.

"Say a hello to your husband from me. I hear you are enjoying your life with her. Hope it's a pretty life." I brushed past her and walked out of there with the intention to get out from there. My work here was done. There wasn't anything left for me to do anything now rather than calling him yesterday. Reaching inside my car I purred the engine to life and drove out of there with hatred burning inside of me, anger pulsating inside of me. I didn't go home straight, I drove for hours aimlessly. The sky turned from bright blue to shades of orange with darkness now turning in. What did I have to return to? A housekeeper who hated me with every breath because she got me wrong. She understood me in the wrong way, believed in what the would say, followed the gossip of my world where I was the one who had ruined lives.

Did anyone know my story and my misery? One person did. Taking a sharp u-turn I drove towards him. It wasn't possible for him to be home because he surely had a life but it was worth trying. As I reached his house I parked in his driveway and cut back the engine. All the lights of his home were turned out meaning he wasn't here. It wouldn't have even mattered if he was here. He had stopped talking to me and I just wanted to talk to someone. Anyone who saw the real me, who didn't judge me based on the rumors that surrounded me. Resting my head on the steering wheel I looked back at my life only to conclude that this was all one me. What and who I was now was because of my own self, because I let people control me and my life. It was my fault but how could I have corrected it when everything was ingrained into me by my mother. How could I have fought when I myself was brainwashed into doing what I was asked? Why did I have to say yes to her?

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