Chapter 34

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I couldn't fathom to walk inside my own office. It was no longer an office but a crime scene. All I could think as I stood outside my door was what I had done. The blood that pooled around him was my doing. Everything was my doing. I had lost control and in that moment I had done something so horrendous that no time could take it back.

"Mr. Reed," I turned around hearing my name with a jump. My secretary stood right there with a smiling face. Would she still smile knowing what I had done?

"Mr. Reed?" She called again making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Ye....s," my lips trembled with the realisation of my mistakes.

"Your father is waiting for you in your room," her words didn't register me at once.

"What?" The words left my mouth too quick making her look at me with a raised brow.

"Your father is in your office behind you waiting for you," she spoke slow like I was a baby who needed to understand things.

"Okay," I told her as nervousness took over me. As I opened the door and looked ahead I saw my father sitting in a chair waiting for me dressed in a three piece suit looking as if this was another business meeting. Eyes sharp ahead and lips set in a grim line. He had retired few years back six to be exact and I could still see him in the tabloids with an arm candy every now and then with him dressed in khakis. However seeing him here like he was here for a board meeting wasn't just shocking it was threatening.

"Close the door, Erik, I don't think anyone should hear what we are here to talk about," his words weren't filled with any emotions. He was an emotionless bastard who had never cared about his sons or anything but his business and pleasure. I closed the door as my hands shook with fear.

"Where have you been?" The authoritative tone of my father made me feel like a small child that he needed to discipline.

"I had been away," the curt reply made him raise his brow at me.

"With whom?" I couldn't answer his question. It felt like a knot was formed in my throat stopping me from answering.

"You weren't with your wife that's what I'm sure about because I had been at your home many times within these past ten days and I might add that your wife looks nothing better than a corpse. I don't think she did even remember me being at the house with the amount of alcohol running through her body," I could imagine the picture of distaste she had painted in front of Dad and it angered me, enraged me.

"But I remember her clearly. You did ruin a beauty indeed and I might add an innocent one," he added.

"You don't kn-" my words were nubbed down before they could be said by a single raise of his hand.

"I've seen the world enough through these eyes to know the truth, son. Don't go on telling me lies you believe in or the things Serena makes you believe in. I don't know everything but these eyes know who is right and who is wrong," his eyes were sharp at me.

"And right now you are in the wrong and at my mercy," those words rang through my ear.

"What mercy and what for?" I stuttered.

"Are you really asking that?" His raised voice matched with the anger in his eyes.

"After what all you had done to your brother you are really asking me for what. Do you want a repeat of the horrendous sight that I had came in and seen as you rushed out of your office in a hurry leaving Aaron, your own brother, bleeding on this same fucking floor and losing the life out of him?" His words flashed the bits of that night making fear run through my veins.

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